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On-site Lectures for Vienna, Austria


The Lectures by Places Section of the Rudolf Steiner Archive presents some of the lectures given by Rudolf Steiner in order by lecture location. They are specifically designated as lectures in the Catalogue of Holdings. Our selections of Steiner's Books and/or Articles/Essays can be referenced from here, or from the Main Steiner e.Lib Menu. The Table below lists the Lectures' Location, the name of the lecture, and whether an abstract of the lecture is available. Under the lecture name is the book title, if applicable. Dates are in yyyy-mm-dd format.

Selected Lectures for Vienna, Austria ...

  Date Name of Lecture GA# Year  
. 1888-11-09   Goethe As Founder of a New Science of Aesthetics: Steiner's First Lecture 271  1888 [*]
. 1889-00-00   Nature/Ideals: Die Natur 30  1889 [*]
. 1908-11-21   Regarding Higher Worlds 108  1908 [*]
. 1908-11-23   What is Self-knowledge? 108  1908 [*]
. 1910-03-21   Macrocosm/Microcosm: Lecture 1: The World Behind the Tapestry of Sense-perceptions. Ecstasy and Mystical Experience. 119  1910 [*]
. 1910-03-22   Macrocosm/Microcosm: Lecture 2: Sleeping and Waking Life in Relation to the Planets 119  1910 [*]
. 1910-03-23   Macrocosm/Microcosm: Lecture 3: The Inner Path Followed by the Mystic. Experience of the Cycle of the Year. 119  1910 [*]
. 1910-03-24   Macrocosm/Microcosm: Lecture 4: Faculties of the Human Soul and Their Development 119  1910 [*]
. 1910-03-25   Macrocosm/Microcosm: Lecture 5: The Egyptian Mysteries of Osiris and Isis 119  1910 [*]
. 1910-03-26   Macrocosm/Microcosm: Lecture 6: Experiences of Initiation in the Northern Mysteries 119  1910 [*]
. 1910-03-28   Macrocosm/Microcosm: Lecture 7: The Four Spheres of the Higher Worlds 119  1910 [*]
. 1910-03-28   Macrocosm/Microcosm: Lecture 8: Mirror-images of the Macrocosm in Man. Rosicrucian Symbols. 119  1910 [*]
. 1910-03-29   Macrocosm/Microcosm: Lecture 9: Organs of Spiritual Perception. Contemplation of the Ego from Twelve Vantage-points. The Thinking of the Heart. 119  1910 [*]
. 1910-03-30   Macrocosm/Microcosm: Lecture 10: Transformation of Soul-forces and Stages in the Evolution of Physical Organs. Reading in the Akasha Chronicle. 119  1910 [*]
. 1910-03-31   Macrocosm/Microcosm: Lecture 11: Man and Planetary Evolution 119  1910 [*]
. 1912-02-08   Lecture: Facing Karma 130  1912 [*]
. 1912-02-08   Mission/Rosenkreutz: Lecture III. The True Attitude to Karma 130  1912 [*]
. 1912-02-08   Esoteric Christianity: The True Attitude To Karma 130  1912 [*]
. 1912-02-09   Mission/Rosenkreutz: Lecture IV. Intimate Workings of Karma 130  1912 [*]
. 1912-02-09   Esoteric Christianity: Intimate Workings of Karma 130  1912 [*]
. 1912-11-03   Life Between ... IV: Recent Results of Occult Investigation Into Life 140  1912 [*]
. 1913-01-21   Life Between ... VIII: Between Death and a New Birth 140  1913 [*]
. 1914-04-09   Inner Nature of Man: Lecture 1: The Four Spheres of the Inner Life 153  1914 [*]
. 1914-04-10   Inner Nature of Man: Lecture 2: The Vision of the Ideal Human Being 153  1914 [*]
. 1914-04-11   Inner Nature of Man: Lecture 3: The Senses and the Luciferic Temptation 153  1914 [*]
. 1914-04-12   Inner Nature of Man: Lecture 4: Wisdom in the Spiritual World 153  1914 [*]
. 1914-04-13   Inner Nature of Man: Lecture 5: Between Death and the 'Cosmic Midnight Hour' 153  1914 [*]
. 1914-04-14   Inner Nature of Man: Lecture 6: Pleasures and Sufferings in the Life Beyond 153  1914 [*]
. 1915-05-07   Mystery of Death: Lecture VII: Cosmic Effects on the Human Members During Sleep 159  1915 [*]
. 1915-05-07   Effects of Christ-Inpulse
From: Effects of the Christ-Impulse Upon the Historical Course of Human Evolution
159  1915 [*]
. 1915-05-09   Mystery of Death: Lecture VIII: The War, an Illness Process 159  1915 [*]
. 1915-05-09   The Subconscious Forces 159  1915 [*]
. 1922-06-01   Natural Science
From: The Tension Between East and West
83  1922 [*]
. 1922-06-02   Psychology
From: The Tension Between East and West
83  1922 [*]
. 1922-06-03   East and West in History
From: The Tension Between East and West
83  1922 [*]
. 1922-06-04   Spiritual Geography
From: The Tension Between East and West
83  1922 [*]
. 1922-06-05   Cosmic Memory
From: The Tension Between East and West
83  1922 [*]
. 1922-06-07   Individual and Society
From: The Tension Between East and West
83  1922 [*]
. 1922-06-07   Poetry/Speech: Lecture V: Poetry and Recitation 281  1922 [*]
. 1922-06-08   The Individual Spirit and the Social Structure
From: The Tension Between East and West
83  1922 [*]
. 1922-06-09   The Problem (Asia-Europe)
From: The Tension Between East and West
83  1922 [*]
. 1922-06-10   Prospects of its Solution (Europe-America)
From: The Tension Between East and West
83  1922 [*]
. 1922-06-11   From Monolithic to Threefold Unity
From: The Tension Between East and West
83  1922 [*]
. 1922-06-11   The End of the Dark Age 211  1922 [*]
. 1923-09-26   Esoteric Development: Lecture III: Supersensible Knowledge: Anthroposophy as a Demand of the Age 84  1923 [*]
. 1923-09-26   Supersensible Knowledge: Lecture I: Supersensible Knowledge: Anthroposophy as a Demand of the Age 84  1923 [*]
. 1923-09-27   Lecture: Michaelmas-Soul: Lecture I 223  1923 [*]
. 1923-09-28   Lecture: Michaelmas-Soul: Lecture II 223  1923 [*]
. 1923-09-29   Supersensible Knowledge: Lecture II: Anthroposophy and the Ethical-Religious Conduct of Life 84  1923 [*]
. 1923-09-30   Lecture: Michaelmas-Soul: Lecture III 223  1923 [*]
. 1923-10-01   Lecture: Michaelmas-Soul: Lecture IV 223  1923 [*]

Total On-site Lectures for Vienna, Austria: 51

Map for Vienna, Austria

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by Rudolf Steiner
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