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On-line Lectures by Date


The Lectures by Date Section of the Rudolf Steiner Archive presents some of the lectures given by Rudolf Steiner in order by lecture date. They are specifically designated as lectures in the Catalogue of Holdings. Our selections of Steiner's Books and/or Articles/Essays can be referenced from here, or from the Main Steiner e.Lib Menu. The Table below lists the Lectures' date, the name of the lecture, and whether an abstract of the lecture is available. Under the lecture name is the book title, if applicable. Dates are in yyyy-mm-dd format.

Selected Lectures for 1922 ...

  Date Name of Lecture GA# Place  
. 1922-01-01 pm  Old/New Methods: Lecture One: Ahrimanic and Luciferic, Human Body, Soul, Spirit 210  Dornach [*]
. 1922-01-07 pm  Old/New Methods: Lecture Two: East, Weat, and Center, -or- Asiatic Spiritual Life 210  Dornach [*]
. 1922-01-08 pm  Old/New Methods: Lecture Three: The Development of Religious Experience in Post-Atlantean Civilization 210  Dornach [*]
. 1922-01-19 pm  Old/New Methods: Lecture Four: The Immediate Life after Death 210  Mannheim [*]
. 1922-01-24 pm  Reincarnation and Immortality: Lecture IV: Nature of Anthroposophy 80  Elberfeld [*]
. 1922-02-01 pm  Old/New Methods: Lecture Five: Imagination, Inspiration, and Intuition as Modes of Activity on the Way to Reincarnation 210  Breslau [*]
. 1922-02-11 pm  Old/New Methods: Lecture Six: Methods of Initiation, Old and New - 1 210  Dornach [*]
. 1922-02-12 pm  Old/New Methods: Lecture Seven: Methods of Initiation, Old and New - 2 210  Dornach [*]
. 1922-02-17 pm  Old/New Methods: Lecture Eight: The Passage of the Human Soul and Spirit through the Physical Sense-Organization 210  Dornach [*]
. 1922-02-18 pm  Old/New Methods: Lecture Nine: The Threefold Human, Reincarnation, Heathens, Jews, Christians, Calderon 210  Dornach [*]
. 1922-02-19 pm  Old/New Methods: Lecture Ten: The Threefold Human, Four Elements, Imagination, Inspiration, Intuition 210  Dornach [*]
. 1922-02-24 pm  Old/New Methods: Lecture Eleven: Faust and Hamlet in Relation to the Turning Point of the 15th Century 210  Dornach [*]
. 1922-02-25 pm  Old/New Methods: Lecture Twelve: The Transition from the 4th to the 5th Post-Atlantean Period, Shakespeare, the Spiritual Struggle of Schiller and Goethe 210  Dornach [*]
. 1922-02-26 pm  Old/New Methods: Lecture Thirteen: The Transition from the 4th to the 5th Post-Atlantean Period, Shakespeare, Schiller, Goethe, -or- The Search for the Spirit 210  Dornach [*]
. 1922-03-06 am  Impulse Kultur/Wissenschaft: Vortrag I: Anthroposophie und Naturwissenschaft Various [*]
. 1922-03-06 am  Impulse for Renewal: Lecture I: Anthroposophy and Natural Science 81  Berlin [*]
. 1922-03-06 pm  Impulse Kultur/Wissenschaft: Vortrag II: Die Menschliche und die Tierische Organisation Various [*]
. 1922-03-06 pm  Impulse for Renewal: Lecture II: The Human and the Animal Organisation 81  Berlin [*]
. 1922-03-07 pm  Impulse Kultur/Wissenschaft: Vortrag III: Anthroposophie und Philosophie Various [*]
. 1922-03-07 pm  Impulse for Renewal: Lecture III: Anthroposophy and Philosophy 81  Berlin [*]
. 1922-03-08 pm  Impulse Kultur/Wissenschaft: Vortrag IV: Anthroposophie und Erziehungswissenschaft Various [*]
. 1922-03-08 pm  Impulse for Renewal: Lecture IV: Anthroposophy and Pedagogy 81  Berlin [*]
. 1922-03-09 pm  Impulse Kultur/Wissenschaft: Vortrag V: Anthroposophie und Sozialwissenschaft Various [*]
. 1922-03-09 pm  Impulse for Renewal: Lecture V: Anthroposophy and Social Science 81  Berlin [*]
. 1922-03-10 pm  Impulse Kultur/Wissenschaft: Vortrag VI: Anthroposophie und Theologie Various [*]
. 1922-03-10 pm  Impulse for Renewal: Lecture VI: Anthroposophy and Theology 81  Berlin [*]
. 1922-03-11 pm  Impulse Kultur/Wissenschaft: Vortrag VII: Anthroposophie und Sprachwissenschaft Various [*]
. 1922-03-11 pm  Impulse of Renewal: Lecture VII: Anthroposophy and the Science of Speech 81  Berlin [*]
. 1922-03-18 pm  Impulse Kultur/Wissenschaft: Vortrag VIII: Bericht Various [*]
. 1922-03-19 pm  Old/New Methods: Lecture Fourteen: The 5th Post-Atlantean Period, the French Revolution, Schiller, Goethe, the Freedom Problem, -or- Berlin University Course Report - 2 210  Dornach [*]
. 1922-03-24 pm  Lecture: The Three Stages of Sleep 211  Dornach [*]
. 1922-04-02 pm  Lecture: Exoteric and Esoteric Christianity 211  Dornach [*]
. 1922-04-02 pm  Lecture: Exoteric and Esoteric Christianity 211  Dornach [*]
. 1922-04-08 pm  Lecture: The Position of Anthroposophy among the Sciences 82  The_Hague [*]
. 1922-04-09 pm  Lecture: Anthroposophy and the Visual Arts 82  The_Hague [*]
. 1922-04-13 pm  Festivals/Easter: Lecture V: The Teachings of The Risen Christ 211  The_Hague [*]
. 1922-04-13 pm  Teachings of Christ the Resurrected
From: The Teachings of Christ, the Resurrected
211  The_Hague [*]
. 1922-04-14 pm  Lecture: Knowledge and Initiation 211  London [*]
. 1922-04-15 pm  Lecture: Cognition of the Christ Through Anthroposophy 211  London [*]
. 1922-04-24 pm  Lecture I: Man's Life on Earth 211  London [*]
. 1922-04-24 pm  Lecture: Planetary Spheres: Lecture I 211  London [*]
. 1922-04-29 pm  Human Soul/Evolution: Lecture I: The Human Soul in Relation to World Evolution 212  Dornach [*]
. 1922-04-30 pm  Human Soul/Evolution: Lecture II: The True Nature of Memory - 1 212  Dornach [*]
. 1922-05-05 pm  Human Soul/Evolution: Lecture III: The True Nature of Memory - 2 212  Dornach [*]
. 1922-05-06 pm  Human Soul/Evolution: Lecture IV: The Human Soul in Relation to Moon and Stars 212  Dornach [*]
. 1922-05-07 pm  Human Soul/Evolution: Lecture V: The Human Soul in Relation Sun and Moon 212  Dornach [*]
. 1922-05-26 pm  Lecture: The Human Heart 212  Dornach [*]
. 1922-05-26 pm  Human Soul/Evolution: Lecture VI: The Formation of the Etheric and the Astral Heart 212  Dornach [*]
. 1922-05-27 pm  Advice on Meditation
From: Modern and Ancient Spiritual Exercises
212  Dornach [*]
. 1922-05-27 pm  Human Soul/Evolution: Lecture VII: Modern and Ancient Spiritual Exercises 212  Dornach [*]
. 1922-05-28 pm  Lecture: The Elemental World and the Future of Mankind 212  Dornach [*]
. 1922-05-28 pm  Human Soul/Evolution: Lecture VIII: The Elementary World and its Beings 212  Dornach [*]
. 1922-06-01 pm  Natural Science
From: The Tension Between East and West
83  Vienna [*]
. 1922-06-02 pm  Psychology
From: The Tension Between East and West
83  Vienna [*]
. 1922-06-03 pm  East and West in History
From: The Tension Between East and West
83  Vienna [*]
. 1922-06-04 pm  Spiritual Geography
From: The Tension Between East and West
83  Vienna [*]
. 1922-06-05 pm  Cosmic Memory
From: The Tension Between East and West
83  Vienna [*]
. 1922-06-07 am  Individual and Society
From: The Tension Between East and West
83  Vienna [*]
. 1922-06-07 pm  Poetry/Speech: Lecture V: Poetry and Recitation 281  Vienna [*]
. 1922-06-08 pm  The Individual Spirit and the Social Structure
From: The Tension Between East and West
83  Vienna [*]
. 1922-06-09 pm  The Problem (Asia-Europe)
From: The Tension Between East and West
83  Vienna [*]
. 1922-06-10 pm  Prospects of its Solution (Europe-America)
From: The Tension Between East and West
83  Vienna [*]
. 1922-06-11 am  From Monolithic to Threefold Unity
From: The Tension Between East and West
83  Vienna [*]
. 1922-06-11 pm  Lecture: The End of the Dark Age 211  Vienna [*]
. 1922-06-17 pm  Contrasting World-conceptions of East and West 212  Dornach [*]
. 1922-06-17 pm  Human Soul/Evolution: Lecture IX: The Contrasting World-Conceptions of East and West 212  Dornach [*]
. 1922-06-18 pm  Article/Lecture: West-East Aphorisms 252  [*]
. 1922-06-21 pm  Education for Adolescents
From: Education and Instruction ...
302a Stuttgart [*]
. 1922-06-24 pm  Lecture: On the Dimensions of Space 213  Dornach [*]
. 1922-06-25 pm  Lecture I: Human Questions and Cosmic Answers 213  Dornach [*]
. 1922-06-30 pm  Lecture II: Human Questions and Cosmic Answers 213  Dornach [*]
. 1922-07-01 pm  Lecture III: Human Questions and Cosmic Answers 213  Dornach [*]
. 1922-07-02 pm  Lecture IV: Human Questions and Cosmic Answers 213  Dornach [*]
. 1922-07-10 pm  Anthroposophy - Midsummer 1930 Volume 5 Number 2
From: Spiritual Wisdom in the Early Christian Centuries
213  Dornach [*]
. 1922-07-16 pm  Lecture: Spiritual Wisdom in the Early Christian Centuries 213  Dornach [*]
. 1922-07-23 pm  Mystery Trinity: Part 1, Lecture 1 214  Dornach [*]
. 1922-07-24 pm  World Economy: Lecture I 340  Dornach [*]
. 1922-07-25 pm  World Economy: Lecture II 340  Dornach [*]
. 1922-07-26 pm  World Economy: Lecture III 340  Dornach [*]
. 1922-07-27 pm  World Economy: Lecture IV 340  Dornach [*]
. 1922-07-28 am  Mystery Trinity: Part 1, Lecture 2 214  Dornach [*]
. 1922-07-28 pm  World Economy: Lecture V 340  Dornach [*]
. 1922-07-29 am  Mystery Trinity: Part 1, Lecture 3 214  Dornach [*]
. 1922-07-29 pm  World Economy: Lecture VI 340  Dornach [*]
. 1922-07-30 am  Mystery Trinity: Part 1, Lecture 4 214  Dornach [*]
. 1922-07-30 pm  World Economy: Lecture VII 340  Dornach [*]
. 1922-07-31 am  World Economy: Lecture VIII 340  Dornach [*]
. 1922-08-01 am  World Economy: Lecture IX 340  Dornach [*]
. 1922-08-02 am  World Economy: Lecture X 340  Dornach [*]
. 1922-08-02 pm  Lecture: The Origin of Speech and Language 347  Dornach [*]
. 1922-08-03 am  World Economy: Lecture XI 340  Dornach [*]
. 1922-08-04 am  World Economy: Lecture XII 340  Dornach [*]
. 1922-08-05 am  World Economy: Lecture XIII 340  Dornach [*]
. 1922-08-06 am  Oswald Spengler: Lecture II: Oswald Spengler - I Various [*]
. 1922-08-06 pm  World Economy: Lecture XIV 340  Dornach [*]
. 1922-08-09 pm  Oswald Spengler: Lecture III: Oswald Spengler - II Various Dornach [*]
. 1922-08-13 pm  Oswald Spengler: Article I: Spengler's "Perspectives of World History" Various Das_Goetheanum [*]
. 1922-08-16 pm  Spiritual Ground: Lecture I: The Necessity for a Spiritual Insight 305  Oxford [*]
. 1922-08-17 pm  Spiritual Ground: Lecture II: Spiritual Disciplines of Yesterday: Yoga 305  Oxford [*]
. 1922-08-18 pm  Spiritual Ground: Lecture III: Spiritual Disciplines of Yesterday and To-day 305  Oxford [*]
. 1922-08-19 pm  Spiritual Ground: Lecture IV: Body Viewed from the Spirit 305  Oxford [*]
. 1922-08-20 am  Oswald Spengler: Article II: The Flight From Thinking Various Das_Goetheanum [*]
. 1922-08-20 pm  Esoteric Development: Lecture IV: The Attainment of Spiritual Knowledge 305  Oxford [*]
. 1922-08-20 pm  Mystery Trinity: Part 2, Lecture I 214  Oxford [*]
. 1922-08-21 pm  Spiritual Ground: Lecture V: How Knowledge Can Be Nurture 305  Oxford [*]
. 1922-08-22 am  Lecture II: Man's Life on Earth 214  Oxford [*]
. 1922-08-22 am  Lecture: Planetary Spheres: Lecture II 214  Oxford [*]
. 1922-08-22 pm  Spiritual Ground: Lecture VI: The Teacher as Artist in Education 305  Oxford [*]
. 1922-08-22 pm  Mystery Trinity: Part 2, Lecture II 214  Oxford [*]
. 1922-08-23 pm  Spiritual Ground: Lecture VII: The Organisation of the Waldorf School 305  Oxford [*]
. 1922-08-24 pm  Spiritual Ground: Lecture VIII: Boys and Girls at the Waldorf School 305  Oxford [*]
. 1922-08-25 pm  Spiritual Ground: Lecture IX: The Teachers of the Waldorf School 305  Oxford [*]
. 1922-08-27 am  Oswald Spengler: Article III: Spengler's Physiognomic View of History Various Das_Goetheanum [*]
. 1922-08-27 pm  Lecture: The Mystery of Golgotha 214  Oxford [*]
. 1922-08-27 pm  Mystery Trinity: Part 2, Lecture III 214  Oxford [*]
. 1922-08-30 pm  Lecture III: Man's Life on Earth 214  London [*]
. 1922-08-30 pm  Lecture: Planetary Spheres: Lecture III 214  London [*]
. 1922-08-30 pm  Mystery Trinity: Part 2, Lecture IV 214  London [*]
. 1922-09-03 pm  Oswald Spengler: Article IV: Spengler's Spirit-Deserted History Various Das_Goetheanum [*]
. 1922-09-06 pm  Philosophy/Cosmology/Religion: Lecture I: The Three Steps of Anthroposophy 215  Dornach [*]
. 1922-09-06 pm  Philosophy, Cosmology and Religion: Lecture I: The Three Steps of Anthroposophy 215  Dornach [*]
. 1922-09-07 pm  Philosophy/Cosmology/Religion: Lecture II: Exercises of Thought, Feeling and Volition 215  Dornach [*]
. 1922-09-07 pm  Philosophy, Cosmology and Religion: Lecture II: Soul Exercises in Thinking, Feeling, and Willing 215  Dornach [*]
. 1922-09-08 pm  Philosophy/Cosmology/Religion: Lecture III: Methods of Imaginative, Inspired and Intuitive Knowledge or Cognition 215  Dornach [*]
. 1922-09-08 pm  Philosophy, Cosmology and Religion: Lecture III: The Imaginative, Inspirative, and Intuitive Method of Cognition 215  Dornach [*]
. 1922-09-09 pm  Philosophy/Cosmology/Religion: Lecture IV: Exercises of Cognition and Will 215  Dornach [*]
. 1922-09-09 pm  Philosophy, Cosmology and Religion: Lecture IV: Cognition and Will Exercises 215  Dornach [*]
. 1922-09-10 pm  Philosophy/Cosmology/Religion: Lecture V: Experiences of the Soul in Sleep 215  Dornach [*]
. 1922-09-10 pm  Philosophy, Cosmology and Religion: Lecture V: The Soul's Experiences in Sleep 215  Dornach [*]
. 1922-09-11 pm  Philosophy/Cosmology/Religion: Lecture VI: Transference from the Psycho-Spiritual to the Physical Sense-life in man's Development 215  Dornach [*]
. 1922-09-11 pm  Philosophy, Cosmology and Religion: Lecture VI: The Transition from the Soul-Spiritual Existence in Human Development to the Sensory-Physical 215  Dornach [*]
. 1922-09-12 pm  Philosophy/Cosmology/Religion: Lecture VII: The Relationship of Christ with Humanity 215  Dornach [*]
. 1922-09-12 pm  Philosophy, Cosmology and Religion: Lecture VII: Christ in His Relationship to Mankind and the Riddle of Death 215  Dornach [*]
. 1922-09-13 pm  Philosophy/Cosmology/Religion: Lecture VIII: The Event of Death and Its Relationship with the Christ 215  Dornach [*]
. 1922-09-13 pm  Philosophy, Cosmology and Religion: Lecture VIII: Ordinary and Higher Consciousness 215  Dornach [*]
. 1922-09-14 pm  Philosophy/Cosmology/Religion: Lecture IX: The Destination of the Ego-Consciousness in Conjunction with the Christ-problem 215  Dornach [*]
. 1922-09-14 pm  Philosophy, Cosmology and Religion: Lecture IX: The Continuation of Ego Consciousness after Death in Relation to the Christ 215  Dornach [*]
. 1922-09-15 pm  Philosophy/Cosmology/Religion: Lecture X: On Experiencing the Will-Part of the Soul 215  Dornach [*]
. 1922-09-15 pm  Philosophy, Cosmology and Religion: Lecture X: The Experience of the Soul's Will Nature 215  Dornach [*]
. 1922-09-22 pm  Lecture: Supersensible Influences: Lecture I: Supersensible Influences in Old Persian, Egyptian, and Greek Time 216  Dornach [*]
. 1922-09-23 pm  Lecture: Supersensible Influences: Lecture II: The Education of Man through Modern Intellectualism, -or- Chartres and the Mysteries of the Templars 216  Dornach [*]
. 1922-09-24 pm  Lecture: Supersensible Influences: Lecture III: The Revelation of the Spiritual World in Old Indian Culture, -or- Old Egypt 216  Dornach [*]
. 1922-09-29 pm  Lecture: Supersensible Influences: Lecture IV: The Egyptian Mysteries, Indian Yoga and Egyptian Mummy Cult 216  Dornach [*]
. 1922-09-30 pm  Lecture: Supersensible Influences: Lecture V: Modern Abstract Thinking and Living Thinking of Future Times, -or- The Idea of Metamorphosis and the Repeated Lives on Earth 216  Dornach [*]
. 1922-10-01 pm  Lecture: Supersensible Influences: Lecture VI: Spiritual InFluence in History, -or- Pope Nicholas I 216  Dornach [*]
. 1922-10-03 pm  Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture I 217  Stuttgart [*]
. 1922-10-04 pm  Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture II 217  Stuttgart [*]
. 1922-10-05 pm  Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture III 217  Stuttgart [*]
. 1922-10-06 pm  Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture IV 217  Stuttgart [*]
. 1922-10-07 pm  Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture V 217  Stuttgart [*]
. 1922-10-08 pm  Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture VI 217  Stuttgart [*]
. 1922-10-09 pm  Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture VII 217  Stuttgart [*]
. 1922-10-09   The Experiences of Sleep and their Spiritual Background 218  Stuttgart [*]
. 1922-10-09   The Experiences of Sleep and their Spiritual Background 218  Stuttgart [*]
. 1922-10-10 pm  Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture VIII 217  Stuttgart [*]
. 1922-10-11 pm  Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture IX 217  Stuttgart [*]
. 1922-10-12 pm  Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture X 217  Stuttgart [*]
. 1922-10-13 pm  Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture XI 217  Stuttgart [*]
. 1922-10-14 pm  Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture XII 217  Stuttgart [*]
. 1922-10-15 pm  Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture XIII 217  Stuttgart [*]
. 1922-10-19 pm  Health and Illness I: Lecture I: Concerning the World Situation 348  Dornach [*]
. 1922-10-20 pm  Spiritual Relations in the Configuration of the Human Organism: Lecture I 218  Dornach [*]
. 1922-10-22 pm  Spiritual Relations in the Configuration of the Human Organism: Lecture II 218  Dornach [*]
. 1922-10-23 pm  Spiritual Relations in the Configuration of the Human Organism: Lecture III 218  Dornach [*]
. 1922-10-24 pm  Health and Illness I: Lecture II: Illnesses Occurring in the Different Periods of Life 348  Dornach [*]
. 1922-10-26 pm  Fundamentals of Anthroposophical Medicine: Lecture I 314  Stuttgart [*]
. 1922-10-26 pm  Anthroposophical Approach to Medicine: Lecture I 314  Stuttgart [*]
. 1922-10-27 am  Fundamentals of Anthroposophical Medicine: Lecture II 314  Stuttgart [*]
. 1922-10-27 am  Anthroposophical Approach to Medicine: Lecture II 314  Stuttgart [*]
. 1922-10-27 pm  Fundamentals of Anthroposophical Medicine: Lecture III 314  Stuttgart [*]
. 1922-10-27 pm  Anthroposophical Approach to Medicine: Lecture III 314  Stuttgart [*]
. 1922-10-28 pm  Fundamentals of Anthroposophical Medicine: Lecture IV 314  Stuttgart [*]
. 1922-10-28 pm  Anthroposophical Approach to Medicine: Lecture IV 314  Stuttgart [*]
. 1922-10-28   Curative Eurythmy: Lecture 8 315  Stuttgart [*]
. 1922-11-01 pm  Lecture: The Supersensible in the Human Being and in the Universe Unknown Rotterdam [*]
. 1922-11-05 pm  Lecture: Concealed Aspects of Human Existence 218  The_Hague [*]
. 1922-11-12 pm  Lecture IV: Man's Life on Earth 218  London [*]
. 1922-11-12 pm  Lecture: Planetary Spheres: Lecture IV 218  London [*]
. 1922-11-16 pm  Lecture V: Man's Life on Earth 218  London [*]
. 1922-11-16 pm  Lecture: Planetary Spheres: Lecture V 218  London [*]
. 1922-11-17 pm  Exact Clairvoyance and Ideal Magic 218  London [*]
. 1922-11-17 pm  First Steps in Supersensible Perception 218  London [*]
. 1922-11-18 pm  The Relation of Anthroposophy to Christianity 218  London [*]
. 1922-11-19 pm  Lecture VI: Man's Life on Earth 218  London [*]
. 1922-11-19 pm  Lecture: Planetary Spheres: Lecture VI 218  London [*]
. 1922-11-26 pm  Man/World of Stars: Lecture I: The Spirit-Seed of Man's Physical Organism 219  Dornach [*]
. 1922-11-29 pm  Health and Illness I: Lecture III: The Formation of the Human Ear 348  Dornach [*]
. 1922-12-01 pm  Man/World of Stars: Lecture II: Moral Qualities and the Life After Death. Windows of the Earth 219  Dornach [*]
. 1922-12-02 am  Health and Illness I: Lecture IV: The Thyroid Gland and Hormones 348  Dornach [*]
. 1922-12-02 pm  Lecture: Inner Nature of Music: Lecture IV 283  Dornach [*]
. 1922-12-02 pm  Lecture: Speech and Song 283  Dornach [*]
. 1922-12-03 pm  Man/World of Stars: Lecture III: Man's Relation to the World of the Stars 219  Dornach [*]
. 1922-12-04 pm  Memory and Love 218  Stuttgart [*]
. 1922-12-04 pm  Mem�ria e Amor 218  Stuttgart [*]
. 1922-12-09 pm  Lecture: The Ear 218  Stuttgart [*]
. 1922-12-13 pm  Health and Illness I: Lecture V: The Eye; Colour of the Hair 348  Dornach [*]
. 1922-12-15 pm  Man/World of Stars: Lecture IV: Rhythms of Earthly and Spiritual Life. Love, Memory, the Moral Life 219  Dornach [*]
. 1922-12-16 am  Health and Illness I: Lecture VI: The Nose, Smell, and Taste 348  Dornach [*]
. 1922-12-16 pm  Man/World of Stars: Lecture V: Human Faculties and Their Connections with Elemental Beings 219  Dornach [*]
. 1922-12-17 pm  Man/World of Stars: Lecture VI: Spiritualization of Knowledge of Space. The Mission of Michael 219  Dornach [*]
. 1922-12-20 pm  Health and Illness I: Lecture VII: Spiritual-Scientific Foundations for a True Physiology 348  Dornach [*]
. 1922-12-22 pm  Man/World of Stars: Lecture VII: Inner Processes in the Human Organism 219  Dornach [*]
. 1922-12-23 am  Health and Illness I: Lecture VIII: Concerning the Soul Life in the Breathing Process 348  Dornach [*]
. 1922-12-23 pm  Lecture: The Spiritual Communion of Mankind 219  Dornach [*]
. 1922-12-23 pm  La Comuni�n Espiritual de la Humanidad 219  Dornach [*]
. 1922-12-23 pm  Spiritual Communion: Lecture I: Midsummer and Midwinter Mysteries 219  Dornach [*]
. 1922-12-23 pm  La Comunión Espiritual de la Humanidad 219  Dornach [*]
. 1922-12-24 pm  Origins of Natural Science: Lecture I 326  Dornach [*]
. 1922-12-24 pm  Spiritual Communion: Lecture II: The Mysteries of Man's Nature and the Course of the Year 219  Dornach [*]
. 1922-12-25 pm  Origins of Natural Science: Lecture II 326  Dornach [*]
. 1922-12-26 pm  Origins of Natural Science: Lecture III 326  Dornach [*]
. 1922-12-27 am  Health and Illness I: Lecture IX: Why do We Become Sick? 348  Dornach [*]
. 1922-12-27 pm  Origins of Natural Science: Lecture IV 326  Dornach [*]
. 1922-12-28 pm  Origins of Natural Science: Lecture V 326  Dornach [*]
. 1922-12-29 pm  Spiritual Communion: Lecture III: From Man's Living Together with the Course of Cosmic Existence Arises the Cosmic Cult 219  Dornach [*]
. 1922-12-30 am  Health and Illness II: Lecture I: Fever Versus Shock; Pregnancy 348  Dornach [*]
. 1922-12-30 pm  The Spiritual Communion of Mankind
From: The Relation of the Movement for Religious Renewal to the Anthroposophical Movement
219  Dornach [*]
. 1922-12-30 pm  Spiritual Communion: Lecture IV: The Relation of the Movement for Religious Renewal to the Anthroposophical Movement 219  Dornach [*]
. 1922-12-31 pm  Spiritual Knowledge is a True Communion, the Beginning of a Cosmic Cult Suitable for Men of the Present Age 219  Dornach [*]

Total On-site Lectures for 1922: 219

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