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On-line Lectures by Date


The Lectures by Date Section of the Rudolf Steiner Archive presents some of the lectures given by Rudolf Steiner in order by lecture date. They are specifically designated as lectures in the Catalogue of Holdings. Our selections of Steiner's Books and/or Articles/Essays can be referenced from here, or from the Main Steiner e.Lib Menu. The Table below lists the Lectures' date, the name of the lecture, and whether an abstract of the lecture is available. Under the lecture name is the book title, if applicable. Dates are in yyyy-mm-dd format.

Selected Lectures for 1908 ...

  Date Name of Lecture GA# Place  
. 1908-01-06 pm  Influence of Spiritual Beings Upon Man: Lecture I 102  Berlin [*]
. 1908-01-09 pm  Knowledge of Soul and Spirit: Lecture VII: Man, Woman and Child 56  Berlin [*]
. 1908-01-23 pm  Knowledge of Soul and Spirit: Lecture VIII: The Soul of the Animal in the Light of Spiritual Science 56  Berlin [*]
. 1908-01-27 pm  Influence of Spiritual Beings Upon Man: Lecture II 102  Berlin [*]
. 1908-02-02 pm  Lecture: The Group Souls of Animals, Plants and Minerals 98  Frankfurt [*]
. 1908-02-12   Esoteric Lesson: Berlin, 2-12-1908 266  Berlin [*]
. 1908-02-15 pm  Influence of Spiritual Beings Upon Man: Lecture III 102  Berlin [*]
. 1908-02-26   Esoteric Lesson: Berlin, 2-26-1908 266  Berlin [*]
. 1908-02-29 pm  Influence of Spiritual Beings Upon Man: Lecture IV 102  Berlin [*]
. 1908-03-02 pm  Riddles of the World: Lecture IV: Spiritual Science and the Social Question 54  Hamburg [*]
. 1908-03-12 pm  Knowledge of Soul and Spirit: Lecture XI: Occupation and Earnings 56  Berlin [*]
. 1908-03-14   Esoteric Lesson: Berlin, 3-14-1908 266  Berlin [*]
. 1908-03-16 pm  Influence of Spiritual Beings Upon Man: Lecture V 102  Berlin [*]
. 1908-03-17   Esoteric Lesson: Munich, 3-17-1908 266  Munich [*]
. 1908-03-18 pm  Man and Woman in Light of Spiritual Science 56  Munich [*]
. 1908-03-24 pm  Influence of Spiritual Beings Upon Man: Lecture VI 102  Berlin [*]
. 1908-03-26 pm  Knowledge of Soul and Spirit: Lecture XII: Sun, Moon and Stars 56  Berlin [*]
. 1908-04-09 pm  Knowledge of Soul and Spirit: Lecture XIII: Outset and End of the Earth 56  Berlin [*]
. 1908-04-12   Esoteric Lesson: Berlin, 4-12-1908 266  Berlin [*]
. 1908-04-13 pm  Festivals/Easter: Lecture VI: Easter: The Mystery of the Future 102  Berlin [*]
. 1908-04-16 pm  Knowledge of Soul and Spirit: Lecture XIV: The Hell 56  Berlin [*]
. 1908-04-20 pm  Influence of Spiritual Beings Upon Man: Lecture VII 102  Berlin [*]
. 1908-05-14 pm  Knowledge of Soul and Spirit: Lecture XV: The Heaven 56  Berlin [*]
. 1908-05-15   Esoteric Lesson: Berlin, 5-15-1908 266  Berlin [*]
. 1908-05-16 pm  Influence of Spiritual Beings Upon Man: Lecture VIII 102  Berlin [*]
. 1908-05-18 pm  Gospel of John: Lecture I: The Doctrine of the Logos 103  Hamburg [*]
. 1908-05-19 pm  Gospel of John: Lecture II: Esoteric Christianity 103  Hamburg [*]
. 1908-05-20 pm  Gospel of John: Lecture III: The Mission of the Earth 103  Hamburg [*]
. 1908-05-22   Esoteric Lesson: Hamburg, 5-22-1908 266  Hamburg [*]
. 1908-05-22 pm  Gospel of John: Lecture IV: The Raising of Lazarus 103  Hamburg [*]
. 1908-05-23 pm  Gospel of John: Lecture V: The Seven Degrees of Initiation 103  Hamburg [*]
. 1908-05-24   Esoteric Lesson: Hamburg, 5-24-1908 266  Hamburg [*]
. 1908-05-25 pm  Gospel of John: Lecture VI: The "I AM" 103  Hamburg [*]
. 1908-05-26 pm  Gospel of John: Lecture VII: The Mystery of Golgotha 103  Hamburg [*]
. 1908-05-27 pm  Gospel of John: Lecture VIII: Human Evolution in its Relation to the Christ Principle 103  Hamburg [*]
. 1908-05-29 pm  Gospel of John: Lecture IX: The Prophetical Documents and the Origin of Christianity 103  Hamburg [*]
. 1908-05-30 am  Gospel of John: Lecture X: The Effect of the Christ Impulse Within Mankind 103  Hamburg [*]
. 1908-05-30 pm  Gospel of John: Lecture XI: Christian Initiation 103  Hamburg [*]
. 1908-05-31   Esoteric Lesson: Hamburg, 5-31-1908 266  Hamburg [*]
. 1908-05-31 pm  Gospel of John: Lecture XII: The Nature of the Virgin Sophia and of the Holy Spirit 103  Hamburg [*]
. 1908-06-01 pm  Influence of Spiritual Beings Upon Man: Lecture IX 102  Berlin [*]
. 1908-06-04 pm  Influence of Spiritual Beings Upon Man: Lecture X 102  Berlin [*]
. 1908-06-05   Esoteric Lesson: Berlin, 6-5-1908 266  Berlin [*]
. 1908-06-07 pm  Lecture V: WHITSUN: The Festival of united Soul-Endeavour 98  Cologne [*]
. 1908-06-11 pm  Influence of Spiritual Beings Upon Man: Lecture XI 102  Berlin [*]
. 1908-06-14   Esoteric Lesson: Muenchen, 6-14-1908 266  Munich [*]
. 1908-06-17 pm  Apocalypse of John: Introductory Lecture
From: The Apocalypse of St. John
104  Nuremberg [*]
. 1908-06-18 pm  Apocalypse of John: Lecture I
From: The Apocalypse of St. John
104  Nuremberg [*]
. 1908-06-19 pm  Apocalypse of John: Lecture II
From: The Apocalypse of St. John
104  Nuremberg [*]
. 1908-06-20 pm  Apocalypse of John: Lecture III
From: The Apocalypse of St. John
104  Nuremberg [*]
. 1908-06-21 pm  Apocalypse of John: Lecture IV
From: The Apocalypse of St. John
104  Nuremberg [*]
. 1908-06-22 pm  Apocalypse of John: Lecture V
From: The Apocalypse of St. John
104  Nuremberg [*]
. 1908-06-23 pm  Apocalypse of John: Lecture VI
From: The Apocalypse of St. John
104  Nuremberg [*]
. 1908-06-24 pm  Apocalypse of John: Lecture VII
From: The Apocalypse of St. John
104  Nuremberg [*]
. 1908-06-25 pm  Apocalypse of John: Lecture VIII
From: The Apocalypse of St. John
104  Nuremberg [*]
. 1908-06-26 pm  Apocalypse of John: Lecture IX
From: The Apocalypse of St. John
104  Nuremberg [*]
. 1908-06-27 pm  Apocalypse of John: Lecture X
From: The Apocalypse of St. John
104  Nuremberg [*]
. 1908-06-29 pm  Apocalypse of John: Lecture XI
From: The Apocalypse of St. John
104  Nuremberg [*]
. 1908-06-30 pm  Apocalypse of John: Lecture XII
From: The Apocalypse of St. John
104  Nuremberg [*]
. 1908-08-04 pm  The Egyptian period, and the present time.
From: Universe, Earth and Man
105  Stuttgart [*]
. 1908-08-05   Esoteric Lesson: Stuttgart, 8-5-1908 266  Stuttgart [*]
. 1908-08-05 pm  Ancient Wisdom and the new Apocalyptic Wisdom. Temple sleep. Isis and the Madonna. Past stages of Evolution. The bestowing of the Ego. Future Powers.
From: Universe, Earth and Man
105  Stuttgart [*]
. 1908-08-06 pm  The Kingdoms of Nature. Group-egos. The Centre of Man. The Kingdoms of Higher Spiritual Beings.
From: Universe, Earth and Man
105  Stuttgart [*]
. 1908-08-07 pm  The Outer Manifestations of Spiritual Beings in the Elements. Their connection with Man. Cosmic partitions. The Myth of Osiris.
From: Universe, Earth and Man
105  Stuttgart [*]
. 1908-08-08 pm  The sacrifice of the substance by the Thrones, Kyriotetes, Dynami's, and Exusiai. Jehovah and the Elohim, and their co-operative activity in the stages of human Development.
From: Universe, Earth and Man
105  Stuttgart [*]
. 1908-08-09   Esoteric Lesson: Stuttgart, 8-9-1908 266  Stuttgart [*]
. 1908-08-10 pm  The Spirits of Form as regents of earthly existence. Participation of the, Luciferic beings. The formation of race.
From: Universe, Earth and Man
105  Stuttgart [*]
. 1908-08-11 pm  Animal forms -- the physiognomical expression of human passions. The religion of Egypt -- a remembrance of Lemurian times. Fish and serpent symbols. The remembrance of Atlantis in Europe. The Light of Christ.
From: Universe, Earth and Man
105  Stuttgart [*]
. 1908-08-12 pm  Man's connection with the various planetary bodies. The earth's mission.
From: Universe, Earth and Man
105  Stuttgart [*]
. 1908-08-13   Esoteric Lesson: Stuttgart, 8-13-1908 266  Stuttgart [*]
. 1908-08-13 pm  The progress of man. His conquest of the physical plane in the post-Atlantean civilizations. The beginning and up-building of the I am.\
From: Universe, Earth and Man
105  Stuttgart [*]
. 1908-08-14 pm  The reflection in the fourth epoch of man's experiences with the ancient Gods and their way of the Cross. The Christ-Mystery.
From: Universe, Earth and Man
105  Stuttgart [*]
. 1908-08-16 pm  The reversing of Egyptian remembrance into material forms by way of Arabism. The harmonizing of Egyptian remembrance. The Christian impulse of power in Rosicrucianism.
From: Universe, Earth and Man
105  Stuttgart [*]
. 1908-08-18 pm  Lecture: Philosophy and Anthroposophy 35  Stuttgart [*]
. 1908-09-02 pm  Ancient and Modern Cultural Streams and their Spiritual Connections
From: Egyptian Myths and Mysteries
106  Leipzig [*]
. 1908-09-03 pm  The Reflection of Cosmic Events in the Religious Views of Men
From: Egyptian Myths and Mysteries
106  Leipzig [*]
. 1908-09-04 pm  Old Initiation Centers
From: Egyptian Myths and Mysteries
106  Leipzig [*]
. 1908-09-05 pm  Experiences of Initiation, Mysteries of the Planets
From: Egyptian Myths and Mysteries
106  Leipzig [*]
. 1908-09-07 pm  Genesis of the Trinity of Sun, Moon, and Earth, Osiris and Typhon
From: Egyptian Myths and Mysteries
106  Leipzig [*]
. 1908-09-08 pm  The Influence of Osiris and Isis, Occult Anatomy and Physiology
From: Egyptian Myths and Mysteries
106  Leipzig [*]
. 1908-09-09 pm  Evolution of the Human Organism up to the Departure of the Moon
From: Egyptian Myths and Mysteries
106  Leipzig [*]
. 1908-09-10 pm  Human Form of Evolution, Expulsion of Animal Beings, Four Human Types
From: Egyptian Myths and Mysteries
106  Leipzig [*]
. 1908-09-11 pm  The Influence of Sun and Moon Spirits, Isis and Osiris Forces
From: Egyptian Myths and Mysteries
106  Leipzig [*]
. 1908-09-12 pm  Old Myths as Pictures of Cosmic Facts, Darkening Spiritual Consciousness
From: Egyptian Myths and Mysteries
106  Leipzig [*]
. 1908-09-13 pm  The Ancient Egyptian Doctrine of Evolution, Modern Coarsening
From: Egyptian Myths and Mysteries
106  Leipzig [*]
. 1908-09-14 pm  The Christ Impulse as Conqueror of Matter
From: Egyptian Myths and Mysteries
106  Leipzig [*]
. 1908-10-15 pm  Where/How/Spirit: Lecture I: Where and How Does One Find the Spirit?
From: Where and How Does One Find the Spirit?
57  Berlin [*]
. 1908-10-19 pm  Astral World: Lecture I
From: The Astral World
107  Berlin [*]
. 1908-10-21 pm  Astral World: Lecture II: Some Characteristics of the Astral World
From: The Astral World
107  Berlin [*]
. 1908-10-22 pm  Goethe's Secret Revelation: Lecture I 57  Berlin [*]
. 1908-10-22 pm  Where/How/Spirit: Lecture II: Goethe's Secret Revelation - Exoteric
From: Where and How Does One Find the Spirit?
57  Berlin [*]
. 1908-10-23 pm  History of the Physical Plane and Occult History 107  Berlin [*]
. 1908-10-24 pm  Goethe's Secret Revelation: Lecture II 57  Berlin [*]
. 1908-10-24 pm  Where/How/Spirit: Lecture III: Goethe's Secret Revelation - Esoteric
From: Where and How Does One Find the Spirit?
57  Berlin [*]
. 1908-10-26 am  On his Hymns to the Night
From: Novalis
108  Berlin [*]
. 1908-10-26 pm  Astral World: Lecture III: The Law of the Astral Plane: Renunciation
From: The Astral World
107  Berlin [*]
. 1908-10-27 pm  The Mission of Savonarola 108  Berlin [*]
. 1908-10-27   Concerning the Nature of Pain, Suffering, Joy, and Bliss 107  Berlin [*]
. 1908-10-29 pm  (Lion, Bull, Eagle, Man)
From: The Four Human Group Souls
107  Berlin [*]
. 1908-11-02 pm  Being of Man/Future Evolution: Lecture 1: Forgetting 107  Berlin [*]
. 1908-11-08   Esoteric Lesson: Muenchen, 11-8-1908 266  Munich [*]
. 1908-11-10 pm  Being of Man/Future Evolution: Lecture 2: Different Types of Illness 107  Berlin [*]
. 1908-11-11   Esoteric Lesson: Berlin, 11-11-1908 266  Berlin [*]
. 1908-11-12 pm  Where/How/Spirit: Lecture IV: Bible and Wisdom I
From: Where and How Does One Find the Spirit?
57  Berlin [*]
. 1908-11-13 pm  The Categories of Hegel
From: The Theory of Categories / Kategorienlehre
108  Das_Goetheanum [*]
. 1908-11-14 pm  Where/How/Spirit: Lecture V: Bible and Wisdom II
From: Where and How Does One Find the Spirit?
57  Berlin [*]
. 1908-11-16 pm  Lecture: The Ten Commandments 107  Berlin [*]
. 1908-11-17   Esoteric Lesson: Berlin, 11-17-1908 266  Berlin [*]
. 1908-11-21 pm  Regarding Higher Worlds 108  Vienna [*]
. 1908-11-23 pm  What is Self-knowledge? 108  Vienna [*]
. 1908-12-02 pm  Life Between Two Incarnations 108  Breslau [*]
. 1908-12-05 pm  Lecture: The Bible and Wisdom 68  Hamburg [*]
. 1908-12-08 pm  Being of Man/Future Evolution: Lecture 3: Original Sin 107  Berlin [*]
. 1908-12-10 pm  Where/How/Spirit: Lecture VI: Superstition from the Standpoint of Spiritual Science
From: Where and How Does One Find the Spirit?
57  Berlin [*]
. 1908-12-13 pm  The Rishis 108  Stuttgart [*]
. 1908-12-14 pm  The Ten Commandments 108  Stuttgart [*]
. 1908-12-16 pm  Lecture: A Chapter of Occult History 108  Nuremberg [*]
. 1908-12-17 pm  Where/How/Spirit: Lecture VII: Issues of Nutrition in the Light of Spiritual Science
From: Where and How Does One Find the Spirit?
57  Berlin [*]
. 1908-12-21 pm  Being of Man/Future Evolution: Lecture 4: Rhythm in the Bodies of Man 107  Berlin [*]
. 1908-12-22 pm  Lecture: The Christmas Mystery, Novalis, the Seer 108  Berlin [*]
. 1908-12-26 pm  Poetry/Fairy Tales: Lecture 2: The Interpretation of Fairy Tales 108  Berlin [*]

Total On-site Lectures for 1908: 121

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