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On-line Lectures by Date


The Lectures by Date Section of the Rudolf Steiner Archive presents some of the lectures given by Rudolf Steiner in order by lecture date. They are specifically designated as lectures in the Catalogue of Holdings. Our selections of Steiner's Books and/or Articles/Essays can be referenced from here, or from the Main Steiner e.Lib Menu. The Table below lists the Lectures' date, the name of the lecture, and whether an abstract of the lecture is available. Under the lecture name is the book title, if applicable. Dates are in yyyy-mm-dd format.

Selected Lectures for 1915 ...

  Date Name of Lecture GA# Place  
. 1915-01-01 am  Colour: Part Three: Artistic and Moral Experience 291  Dornach [*]
. 1915-01-01 pm  Art/Mystery Wisdom: Lecture Five 275  Dornach [*]
. 1915-01-02 pm  Art/Mystery Wisdom: Lecture Six 275  Dornach [*]
. 1915-01-03 pm  Art/Mystery Wisdom: Lecture Seven 275  Dornach [*]
. 1915-01-04 pm  Art/Mystery Wisdom: Lecture Eight 275  Dornach [*]
. 1915-01-04 pm  Pythic, Prophetic and Spiritual-Scientific Clairvoyance
From: The Path of Spiritual Knowledge
275  Dornach [*]
. 1915-01-04 pm  Pythic, Prophetic and Spiritual-Scientific Clairvoyance (edited)
From: The Path of Spiritual Knowledge
275  Dornach [*]
. 1915-01-10 pm  Sun Activity in Earthly Evolution
From: Perception of the Nature of Thought
161  Dornach [*]
. 1915-01-17 pm  Destinies of Individuals and Nations: Lecture 4: The Nature of the Christ Impulse and the Michaelic Sprit Serving It - 1 157  Berlin [*]
. 1915-01-19 pm  Destinies of Individuals and Nations: Lecture 5: The Nature of the Christ Impulse and the Michaelic Sprit Serving It - 2 157  Berlin [*]
. 1915-01-26 pm  Destinies of Individuals and Nations: Lecture 6: Spiritual Perception Essential at the Present Time 157  Berlin [*]
. 1915-01-30 pm  Lecture: Brunetto Latini 161  Dornach [*]
. 1915-01-31 pm  Lecture: The (Four) Great Virtues 159  Zurich [*]
. 1915-01-31 pm  Mystery of Death: Lecture I: The Four Platonic Virtues and Their Relation with the Human Members 159  Zurich [*]
. 1915-02-05 pm  Problem of Death: Lecture I 161  Dornach [*]
. 1915-02-06 pm  Problem of Death: Lecture II 161  Dornach [*]
. 1915-02-07 pm  Problem of Death: Lecture III 161  Dornach [*]
. 1915-02-19 pm  Mystery of Death: Lecture II: The Path of the Human Being through the Gate of Death - A Transformation of Life 159  Hannover [*]
. 1915-02-21 pm  Mystery of Death: Lecture III: Spiritual Science and the Mystery of Death 159  Bremen [*]
. 1915-02-22 pm  Destinies of Individuals and Nations: Lecture 7: Personal and Supersensible Aspects 157  Berlin [*]
. 1915-03-02 pm  Esoteric Development: Lecture X: The Three Decisions on the Path of Imaginative Cognition 157  Berlin [*]
. 1915-03-02 pm  Destinies of Individuals and Nations: Lecture 8: Three Decisions on the Path to Imaginative Perception 157  Berlin [*]
. 1915-03-07 pm  Mystery of Death: Lecture IV: The Intimate Element of the Central European Culture and the Central European Striving 159  Leipzig [*]
. 1915-03-09 pm  Destinies of Individuals and Nations: Lecture 9: The Sleeping-and-Waking Rhythm in the Context of Cosmic Evolution 157  Berlin [*]
. 1915-03-13 pm  The Relation of Man to his Folk Soul
From: Spiritual Science, a Necessity for the Present Time
159  Nuremberg [*]
. 1915-03-13 pm  Mystery of Death: Lecture V: The Intervention of the Christ Impulse in the Historical Events 159  Nuremberg [*]
. 1915-03-14 pm  Mystery of Death: Lecture VI: Moral Impulses and Their Results 159  Nuremberg [*]
. 1915-03-16 pm  Destinies of Individuals and Nations: Lecture 10: Problems on Spiritual Path - National Characteristics in Europe Moulded by Folk Spirits 157  Berlin [*]
. 1915-03-27 pm  Meditation and Concentration 161  Dornach [*]
. 1915-04-20 pm  Lecture: The Etheric Being in the Physical Human Being 157  Berlin [*]
. 1915-04-20 pm  Destinies of Individuals and Nations: Lecture 11:Etheric Man within Physical Man 157  Berlin [*]
. 1915-05-07 pm  Mystery of Death: Lecture VII: Cosmic Effects on the Human Members During Sleep 159  Vienna [*]
. 1915-05-07 pm  Effects of Christ-Inpulse
From: Effects of the Christ-Impulse Upon the Historical Course of Human Evolution
159  Vienna [*]
. 1915-05-09 pm  Mystery of Death: Lecture VIII: The War, an Illness Process 159  Vienna [*]
. 1915-05-09 pm  The Subconscious Forces 159  Vienna [*]
. 1915-05-13 pm  Mystery of Death: Lecture IX: The Relation of the Human Being to the Realms of Nature and the Hierarchies 159  Prague [*]
. 1915-05-15 pm  Mystery of Death: Lecture X: Central Europe between East and West 159  Prague [*]
. 1915-05-18 pm  Lecture: Christ in Relation to Lucifer and Ahriman 159  Linz [*]
. 1915-05-18 pm  Mystery of Death: Lecture XI: Christ's Relationship to Lucifer and Ahriman 159  Linz [*]
. 1915-05-23 pm  Whitsuntide in the Course of the Year 162  Dornach [*]
. 1915-05-30 pm  Abbreviated Title: Lecture I: 162  Dornach [*]
. 1915-06-03 pm  - or - From Earth to the Jupiter Evolution
From: "Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away"
162  Dornach [*]
. 1915-06-10 pm  Destinies of Individuals and Nations: Lecture 12: The Group Sculptured for the Building in Dornach 157  Berlin [*]
. 1915-06-13 pm  Lecture: The Etheric Body as a Reflexion of the Universe 159  Elberfeld [*]
. 1915-06-13 pm  Mystery of Death: Lecture XII: Spiritual Science as an Attitude 159  Elberfeld [*]
. 1915-06-15 pm  Lecture: Preparing for the Sixth Epoch 159  Dusseldorf [*]
. 1915-06-15 pm  Mystery of Death: Lecture XIII: Common Ground above Us; Christ in Us 159  Dusseldorf [*]
. 1915-06-17 pm  Mystery of Death: Lecture XIV: Post-mortal Experiences of the Human Being 159  Dusseldorf [*]
. 1915-06-19 pm  Mystery of Death: Lecture XV: Overcoming Death through Knowledge 159  Cologne [*]
. 1915-06-22 pm  Destinies of Individuals and Nations: Lecture 13: The Prophetic Nature of Dreams: Moon, Sun and Saturn Man 157  Berlin [*]
. 1915-07-06 pm  Destinies of Individuals and Nations: Lecture 14: The Cosmic Significance of Our Sensory Perceptions - Our Thinking, Feeling and Will Activity 157  Berlin [*]
. 1915-07-24 pm  Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture I: Tree of Life - I 162  Dornach [*]
. 1915-07-25 pm  Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture II: Tree of Life - II 162  Dornach [*]
. 1915-07-31 pm  Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture III: The Power of Thought 162  Dornach [*]
. 1915-08-01 pm  Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture IV: Harmonizing Thinking, Feeling and Willing 162  Dornach [*]
. 1915-08-07 pm  Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture V: Tree of Knowledge - I 162  Dornach [*]
. 1915-08-08 pm  Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture VI: Tree of Knowledge - II 162  Dornach [*]
. 1915-08-21 pm  Community Life: Address 1: The Goesch-Sprengel Situation - Part 1 253  Dornach [*]
. 1915-08-22 pm  Community Life: Address 2: The Goesch-Sprengel Situation - Part 2 253  Dornach [*]
. 1915-08-23 pm  Chance/Necessity/Providence: Lecture 1: Probability and Chance 163  Dornach [*]
. 1915-08-27 pm  Chance/Necessity/Providence: Lecture 2: Consciousness in Sleeping and Waking States 163  Dornach [*]
. 1915-08-28 pm  Chance/Necessity/Providence: Lecture 3: Necessity and Chance in Historical Events 163  Dornach [*]
. 1915-08-29 pm  Chance/Necessity/Providence: Lecture 4: Necessity as Past Subjectivity 163  Dornach [*]
. 1915-08-30 pm  Chance/Necessity/Providence: Lecture 5: Necessity and Past, Chance and Present 163  Dornach [*]
. 1915-09-04 pm  Chance/Necessity/Providence: Lecture 6: Imaginative Cognition Leaves Insights of Natural Science Behind 163  Dornach [*]
. 1915-09-05 pm  Chance/Necessity/Providence: Lecture 7: The Physical Body Binds Us to the Physical World 163  Dornach [*]
. 1915-09-06 pm  Chance/Necessity/Providence: Lecture 8: Death, Physical Body and Etheric Body 163  Dornach [*]
. 1915-09-10 pm  Community Life: Lecture 1: Requirements of Our Life together in the Anthroposophical Society 253  Dornach [*]
. 1915-09-11 pm  Community Life: Lecture 2: The Anthroposophical Society as a Living Being 253  Dornach [*]
. 1915-09-12 pm  Community Life: Lecture 3: Swedenborg: An Example of Difficulties in Entering the Spiritual World 253  Dornach [*]
. 1915-09-13 pm  Community Life: Lecture 4: Methods and Rational of Freudian Psychoanalysis 253  Dornach [*]
. 1915-09-14 pm  Community Life: Lecture 5: Sexuality and Modern Clairvoyance, Freudian Psychoanalysis and Swedenborg as a Seer 253  Dornach [*]
. 1915-09-15 pm  Community Life: Lecture 6: The Concept of Love as it Relates to Mysticism 253  Dornach [*]
. 1915-09-16 pm  Community Life: Lecture 7: The Philosophy of Psychoanalysis as Illuminated by an Anthroposophical Understanding of the Human Being 253  Dornach [*]
. 1915-10-10 pm  Occult Movement: Lecture One: Seership and Thinking 254  Dornach [*]
. 1915-10-11 pm  Occult Movement: Lecture Two: Mediumistic Methods 254  Dornach [*]
. 1915-10-16 pm  Occult Movement: Lecture Three: Materialism of the 19th Century 254  Dornach [*]
. 1915-10-17 pm  Occult Movement: Lecture Four: The Attempt Made by the Occultists to Avert the Lapse into Materialism 254  Dornach [*]
. 1915-10-18 pm  Occult Movement: Lecture Five: The Eighth Sphere 254  Dornach [*]
. 1915-10-19 pm  Occult Movement: Lecture Six: The Dangers of Aberation Along the Path into the Spiritual World 254  Dornach [*]
. 1915-10-22 pm  Occult Movement: Lecture Seven: Investigation of the Life between Death and a New Birth 254  Dornach [*]
. 1915-10-23 pm  Occult Movement: Lecture Eight: The Purpose of the Use of Symbols 254  Dornach [*]
. 1915-10-24 pm  Occult Movement: Lecture Nine: Investigation of the Mineral World 254  Dornach [*]
. 1915-10-25 pm  Occult Movement: Lecture Ten: Human Consciousness between Objective and Subjective Reality 254  Dornach [*]
. 1915-10-31 pm  Significant Facts Pertaining to the Spiritual Life of the Middle of the XIXth Century
From: Outlooks for the Future
254  Dornach [*]
. 1915-10-31 pm  Significant Facts: Lecture I: A Convulsive Element in Humanity in the Nineteenth Century 254  Dornach [*]
. 1915-11-01 pm  Significant Facts: Lecture II: Ancient Occult Magic. The Ahasver Mystery. 254  Dornach [*]
. 1915-11-07 pm  Significant Facts: Lecture III: The Tragic Wrestling with Knowledge. The Secrets of the Future Sixth Cultural Period. 254  Dornach [*]
. 1915-11-16 pm  Forming of Destiny: Lecture 1: Spiritual Life in the Physical World and Life Between Death and Rebirth 157a Berlin [*]
. 1915-11-18 pm  Forming of Destiny: Lecture 2: On the forming of Destiny 157a Berlin [*]
. 1915-11-20 pm  Forming of Destiny: Lecture 3: The Subconscious Strata of the Soul-Life and the Life of the Spirit After Premature Death 157a Berlin [*]
. 1915-12-07 pm  Forming of Destiny: Lecture 4: The Connection Between the Spiritual and the Physical Worlds, and How They Are Experienced After Death 157a Berlin [*]
. 1915-12-14 pm  Forming of Destiny: Lecture 5: Concerning the Subconscious Soul Impulses 157a Berlin [*]
. 1915-12-16 pm  Spirit of Fichte: Lecture I: The Spirit of Fichte Present in Our Midst 65  Berlin [*]
. 1915-12-19 pm  Lecture: The Golden Legend and a German Christmas Play 157a Dornach [*]
. 1915-12-19 pm  Lecture: The Christmas Thought and the Secret of the Ego 157a Dornach [*]
. 1915-12-21 pm  Forming of Destiny: Lecture 6: Lecture on the Poem of Olaf �steson 157a Berlin [*]
. 1915-12-28 am  Tree of Knowledge and the Christmas Tree 165  Basel [*]
. 1915-12-28 pm  Lecture: The Problem of Jesus and Christ in Earlier Times 165  Dornach [*]
. 1915-12-31 pm  The Year as a Symbol of the Great Cosmic Year 165  Dornach [*]
. 1915-12-31 pm  Year's Course as a Symbol for the Great Cosmic Year
From: The Year's Course as a Symbol for the Great Cosmic Year
165  Dornach [*]

Total On-site Lectures for 1915: 101

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