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On-line Lectures by Date


The Lectures by Date Section of the Rudolf Steiner Archive presents some of the lectures given by Rudolf Steiner in order by lecture date. They are specifically designated as lectures in the Catalogue of Holdings. Our selections of Steiner's Books and/or Articles/Essays can be referenced from here, or from the Main Steiner e.Lib Menu. The Table below lists the Lectures' date, the name of the lecture, and whether an abstract of the lecture is available. Under the lecture name is the book title, if applicable. Dates are in yyyy-mm-dd format.

Selected Lectures for 1912 ...

  Date Name of Lecture GA# Place  
. 1912-01-01   Esoteric Lessons Part II: Hannover, 1-1-12 266  Hannover [*]
. 1912-01-01 pm  World of the Senses and the World of the Spirit: Lecture VI 134  Hanover [*]
. 1912-01-04 pm  Human History: Lecture VIII: The Origin of the Human Being 61  Berlin [*]
. 1912-01-06   Esoteric Lessons Part II: Berlin, 1-6-12 266  Berlin [*]
. 1912-01-07   Esoteric Lessons Part II: Berlin, 1-7-12 266  Berlin [*]
. 1912-01-09 pm  Lecture: Esoteric Studies: Cosmic Ego and Human Ego 130  Munich [*]
. 1912-01-10   Esoteric Lessons Part II: Muenchen, 1-10-12 266  Munich [*]
. 1912-01-11 pm  Lecture: Overcoming Nervousness 143  Munich [*]
. 1912-01-11 pm  Lecture: Nervous Conditions in Our Time 143  Munich [*]
. 1912-01-18 pm  Lecture: The Origin of the Animal World in the Light of Spiritual Science 61  Berlin [*]
. 1912-01-23 pm  Reincarnation and Karma: Lecture I 135  Berlin [*]
. 1912-01-25 pm  Christ and the Twentieth Century 60  Berlin [*]
. 1912-01-25 pm  Human History: Lecture X: Christ and the Twentieth Century 61  Berlin [*]
. 1912-01-25 pm  Turning Points: Lecture 6: Christ and the Twentieth Century 60  Berlin [*]
. 1912-01-26   Esoteric Lessons Part II: Berlin, 1-26-12 266  Berlin [*]
. 1912-01-27 pm  Mission/Rosenkreutz: Lecture I. The Dawn of Occultism in the Modern Age 130  Cassel [*]
. 1912-01-27 pm  Esoteric Christianity: The Dawn of Occultism in the Modern Age - Lecture 1 130  Cassel [*]
. 1912-01-29 pm  Mission/Rosenkreutz: Lecture II. The Dawn of Occultism in the Modern Age 130  Cassel [*]
. 1912-01-29 pm  Esoteric Christianity: The Dawn of Occultism in the Modern Age - Lecture 2 130  Cassel [*]
. 1912-01-30 pm  Reincarnation and Karma: Lecture II 135  Berlin [*]
. 1912-02-01 pm  Human History: Lecture XI: Human History, Present, and Future in the Light of Spiritual Science 61  Berlin [*]
. 1912-02-03 pm  Lecture: Conscience and Wonder as Indications of Spiritual Vision in the Past and in the Future 143  Breslau [*]
. 1912-02-03 pm  As Indications of Spiritual Vision in Past and Future
From: Conscience and Astonishment
143  Breslau [*]
. 1912-02-08 pm  Lecture: Facing Karma 130  Vienna [*]
. 1912-02-08 pm  Mission/Rosenkreutz: Lecture III. The True Attitude to Karma 130  Vienna [*]
. 1912-02-08 pm  Esoteric Christianity: The True Attitude To Karma 130  Vienna [*]
. 1912-02-09 pm  Mission/Rosenkreutz: Lecture IV. Intimate Workings of Karma 130  Vienna [*]
. 1912-02-09 pm  Esoteric Christianity: Intimate Workings of Karma 130  Vienna [*]
. 1912-02-15 pm  Human History: Lecture XII: Copernicus and His Time in the Light of Spiritual Science 61  Berlin [*]
. 1912-02-20   Esoteric Lessons Part II: Stuttgart, 2-20-12 266  Stuttgart [*]
. 1912-02-20 pm  Reincarnation and Karma: Lecture III 135  Stuttgart [*]
. 1912-02-21 pm  Reincarnation and Karma: Lecture IV 135  Stuttgart [*]
. 1912-02-22   Esoteric Lessons Part II: Stuttgart, 2-22-12 266  Stuttgart [*]
. 1912-02-22   Esoteric Lessons Part II: Stuttgart, 2-12 266  Stuttgart [*]
. 1912-02-23   Esoteric Lessons Part II: Stuttgart, 2-23-12 266  Stuttgart [*]
. 1912-02-25 pm  Lecture: Reflections of Consciousness, Super-consciousness and Sub-consciousness 143  Munich [*]
. 1912-02-25 pm  Psychoanalysis: Lecture III: Reflections in the Mirror of Consciousness, Superconsciousness and Subconsciousness 143  Munich [*]
. 1912-02-26   Esoteric Lessons Part II: Muenchen, 2-26-12 266  Munich [*]
. 1912-02-27 pm  Lecture: Hidden Forces of Soul-Life 143  Munich [*]
. 1912-02-27 pm  Psychoanalysis: Lecture IV: Hidden Soul Powers 143  Munich [*]
. 1912-02-29 pm  Lecture: Death in Man, Animal, and Plant 61  Berlin [*]
. 1912-03-05 pm  Reincarnation and Karma: Lecture V 135  Berlin [*]
. 1912-03-10   Esoteric Lessons Part II: Mannheim, 3-10-12 266  Mannheim [*]
. 1912-03-10   Esoteric Lessons Part II: Frankfurt, 3-10-12 266  Frankfurt [*]
. 1912-03-14 pm  Human History: Lecture XIV: The Self-Education of the Human Being 61  Berlin [*]
. 1912-03-19 pm  Earthly/Cosmic Man: Lecture 2: Evidences of Bygone Ages In Modern Civilisation 133  Berlin [*]
. 1912-03-21 pm  Lecture: The Nature of Eternity 61  Berlin [*]
. 1912-03-22   Esoteric Lessons Part II: Berlin, 3-22-12 266  Berlin [*]
. 1912-03-26 pm  Earthly/Cosmic Man: Lecture 3: 'Chance' and Present-day Consciousness. An Easter Meditation 133  Berlin [*]
. 1912-03-28 pm  Human History: Lecture XVI: Darwin and the Supersensible Research 61  Berlin [*]
. 1912-04-03 pm  Lecture 1: Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies and in the Kingdoms of Nature 136  Helsinki [*]
. 1912-04-04 pm  Lecture 2: Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies and in the Kingdoms of Nature 136  Helsinki [*]
. 1912-04-05   Esoteric Lessons Part II: Helsinki, 4-5-12 266  Helsinki [*]
. 1912-04-05 pm  Lecture 3: Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies and in the Kingdoms of Nature 136  Helsinki [*]
. 1912-04-06 pm  Lecture 4: Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies and in the Kingdoms of Nature 136  Helsinki [*]
. 1912-04-07 pm  Lecture 5: Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies and in the Kingdoms of Nature 136  Helsinki [*]
. 1912-04-08 pm  Lecture 6: Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies and in the Kingdoms of Nature 136  Helsinki [*]
. 1912-04-09 pm  The National Epics With Especial Attention to the Kalevala Unknown Helsingfors [*]
. 1912-04-10 pm  Lecture 7: Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies and in the Kingdoms of Nature 136  Helsinki [*]
. 1912-04-11 am  Lecture 8: Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies and in the Kingdoms of Nature 136  Helsinki [*]
. 1912-04-12 pm  Occultism and Initiation 136  Helsinki [*]
. 1912-04-13 pm  Lecture 9: Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies and in the Kingdoms of Nature 136  Helsinki [*]
. 1912-04-14   Esoteric Lessons Part II: Helsinki, 4-14-12 266  Helsinki [*]
. 1912-04-14 pm  Lecture 10: Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies and in the Kingdoms of Nature 136  Helsinki [*]
. 1912-04-16 pm  Three Paths: Lecture I: The Path through the Gospels and The Path of Inner Experience 143  Stockholm [*]
. 1912-04-17 pm  Three Paths: Lecture II: The Path of Initiation 143  Stockholm [*]
. 1912-04-23 pm  Earthly/Cosmic Man: Lecture 4: The Forces of the Human Soul and Their Inspirers. Kalewala: The Epic 133  Berlin [*]
. 1912-04-24   Esoteric Lessons Part II: Berlin, 4-24-12 266  Berlin [*]
. 1912-05-02 pm  Earthly/Cosmic Man: Lecture 5: The Idea of Reincarnation and Its Introduction Into Western Culture 133  Berlin [*]
. 1912-05-05 pm  Festivals/Easter: Lecture III: The Death of A God and Its Fruits In Humanity 130  Dusseldorf [*]
. 1912-05-06 pm  Christ in the 20th Century 69  Cologne [*]
. 1912-05-07 pm  Lecture: Calendar of the Soul 143  Cologne [*]
. 1912-05-08 pm  Ancient Wisdom and the Heralding of the Christ Impulse 143  Cologne [*]
. 1912-05-09   Esoteric Lessons Part II: Koeln, 5-9-12 266  Cologne [*]
. 1912-05-14 pm  Earthly/Cosmic Man: Lecture 6: The Mission of the Earth 133  Berlin [*]
. 1912-05-20 pm  Earthly/Cosmic Man: Lecture 7: The Signature of Human Evolution The Advancing Individuality 133  Berlin [*]
. 1912-05-23 pm  Lecture 1: On the Meaning of Life 155  Copenhagen [*]
. 1912-05-24 pm  Lecture 2: On the Meaning of Life 155  Copenhagen [*]
. 1912-05-28 pm  Spiritual Foundation of Morality: Lecture I 155  Norrkoping [*]
. 1912-05-28 pm  Anthroposophical Ethics (1928): Anthroposophical Ethics I 155  Norrkoping [*]
. 1912-05-29 pm  Spiritual Foundation of Morality: Lecture II 155  Norrkoping [*]
. 1912-05-29 pm  Anthroposophical Ethics (1928): Anthroposophical Ethics II 155  Norrkoping [*]
. 1912-05-30   Esoteric Lessons Part II: Norrkoeping, 5-30-12 266  Norrkoping [*]
. 1912-05-30 pm  Spiritual Foundation of Morality: Lecture III 155  Norrkoping [*]
. 1912-05-30 pm  Anthroposophical Ethics ... St. Francis, Lecture III 155  Norrkoping [*]
. 1912-05-30 pm  Anthroposophical Ethics (1928): Anthroposophical Ethics III 155  Norrkoping [*]
. 1912-06-02 pm  Lecture I: Man in the Light of Occultism 137  Christiania [*]
. 1912-06-04 pm  Lecture II: Man in the Light of Occultism 137  Christiania [*]
. 1912-06-05 pm  Lecture III: Man in the Light of Occultism 137  Christiania [*]
. 1912-06-06 pm  Lecture IV: Man in the Light of Occultism 137  Christiania [*]
. 1912-06-07   Esoteric Lessons Part II: Oslo, 6-7-12 266  Oslo [*]
. 1912-06-07 pm  Lecture V: Man in the Light of Occultism 137  Christiania [*]
. 1912-06-08 pm  Lecture VI: Man in the Light of Occultism 137  Christiania [*]
. 1912-06-09   Esoteric Lessons Part II: Oslo, 6-9-12 266  Oslo [*]
. 1912-06-09 pm  Lecture VII: Man in the Light of Occultism 137  Christiania [*]
. 1912-06-10 pm  Lecture VIII: Man in the Light of Occultism 137  Christiania [*]
. 1912-06-11   Esoteric Lessons Part II: Oslo, 6-11-12 266  Oslo [*]
. 1912-06-11 pm  Lecture IX: Man in the Light of Occultism 137  Christiania [*]
. 1912-06-12 pm  Lecture X: Man in the Light of Occultism 137  Christiania [*]
. 1912-06-18 pm  Earthly/Cosmic Man: Lecture 8: Consciousness, Memory, Karma 133  Berlin [*]
. 1912-06-20 pm  Earthly/Cosmic Man: Lecture 9: Form-creating Forces 133  Berlin [*]
. 1912-08-25 pm  Initiation/Passing Moment: Lecture I 138  Munich [*]
. 1912-08-26 pm  Initiation/Passing Moment: Lecture II 138  Munich [*]
. 1912-08-27 pm  Initiation/Passing Moment: Lecture III 138  Munich [*]
. 1912-08-28 pm  Initiation/Passing Moment: Lecture IV 138  Munich [*]
. 1912-08-29 pm  Initiation/Passing Moment: Lecture V 138  Munich [*]
. 1912-08-30 pm  Initiation/Passing Moment: Lecture VI 138  Munich [*]
. 1912-08-31 pm  Initiation/Passing Moment: Lecture VII 138  Munich [*]
. 1912-09-01   Esoteric Lessons Part II: Muenchen, 9-1-12 266  Munich [*]
. 1912-09-15 pm  Gospel of Mark: Lecture 1 139  Basel [*]
. 1912-09-16 pm  Gospel of Mark: Lecture 2 139  Basel [*]
. 1912-09-17 pm  Gospel of Mark: Lecture 3 139  Basel [*]
. 1912-09-18 pm  Gospel of Mark: Lecture 4 139  Basel [*]
. 1912-09-19 pm  Gospel of Mark: Lecture 5 139  Basel [*]
. 1912-09-20   Esoteric Lessons Part II: Basel, 9-20-12 266  Basel [*]
. 1912-09-20 pm  Gospel of Mark: Lecture 6 139  Basel [*]
. 1912-09-21 pm  Gospel of Mark: Lecture 7 139  Basel [*]
. 1912-09-22   Esoteric Lessons Part II: Basel, 9-22-12 266  Basel [*]
. 1912-09-22 pm  Gospel of Mark: Lecture 8 139  Basel [*]
. 1912-09-23 pm  Gospel of Mark: Lecture 9 139  Basel [*]
. 1912-09-24 pm  Gospel of Mark: Lecture 10 139  Basel [*]
. 1912-10-26 pm  Okkulte Untersuchungen: Vortrag I: Untersuchungen uber das Leben Zwischen Tod und Neuer Geburt 140  [*]
. 1912-10-26 pm  Life Between ... I: Investigations Into Life Between Death and Rebirth 1 140  Milan [*]
. 1912-10-27 pm  Okkulte Untersuchungen: Vortrag II: Untersuchungen uber das Leben Zwischen Tod und Neuer Geburt 140  [*]
. 1912-10-27 pm  Life Between ... II: Investigations Into Life Between Death and Rebirth 2 140  Milan [*]
. 1912-11-03 pm  Okkulte Untersuchungen: Vortrag: Die Neuesten Ergebnisse Okkulter Forschung uber das Leben Zwischen Tod und Neuer Geburt 140  [*]
. 1912-11-03 pm  Life Between ... IV: Recent Results of Occult Investigation Into Life 140  Vienna [*]
. 1912-11-05 pm  Between Death and Rebirth: Lecture One 141  Berlin [*]
. 1912-11-08   Esoteric Lessons Part II: Berlin, 11-8-12 266  Berlin [*]
. 1912-11-18 pm  Okkulte Untersuchungen: Vortrag: Durchgang des Menschen Durch die Planetensphaeren und die Bedeutung 140  [*]
. 1912-11-18 pm  Life Between ... III: Mans Journey Through the Planetary Spheres 140  Hanover [*]
. 1912-11-19   Esoteric Lessons Part II: Hannover, 11-19-12 266  Hannover [*]
. 1912-11-20 pm  Between Death and Rebirth: Lecture Two 141  Berlin [*]
. 1912-11-25 pm  Truths and Errors: Lecture IV: Truths of Spiritual Research 69a Munich [*]
. 1912-11-26 pm  Okkulte Untersuchungen: Vortrag I: Das Leben Zwischen dem Tode und Einer Neuen Geburt 140  [*]
. 1912-11-26 pm  Life Between ... V: Life Between Death and Rebirth 1 140  Munich [*]
. 1912-11-27 pm  The Errors of Spiritual Investigation Unknown Munich [*]
. 1912-11-27 pm  Truths and Errors: Lecture V: Errors of Spiritual Research - 1 69a Munich [*]
. 1912-11-28   Esoteric Lessons Part II: Muenchen, 11-28-12 266  Munich [*]
. 1912-11-28 pm  Okkulte Untersuchungen: Vortrag II: Das Leben Zwischen dem Tode und Einer Neuen Geburt 140  [*]
. 1912-11-28 pm  Life Between ... VI: Life Between Death and Rebirth 2 140  Munich [*]
. 1912-12-03 pm  Between Death and Rebirth: Lecture Three 141  Berlin [*]
. 1912-12-10 pm  Between Death and Rebirth: Lecture Four 141  Berlin [*]
. 1912-12-15 pm  Okkulte Untersuchungen: Vortrag: Einiges uber die Technik des Karma Im Leben Nach dem Tode 140  [*]
. 1912-12-15 pm  Life Between ... VII: The Working of Karma in Life After Death 140  Bern [*]
. 1912-12-16   Esoteric Lessons Part II: Bern, 12-16-12 266  Bern [*]
. 1912-12-17   Esoteric Lessons Part II: Zuerich, 12-17-12 266  Zurich [*]
. 1912-12-17 pm  Lecture: Love and Its Meaning in the World 143  Zurich [*]
. 1912-12-18 pm  Mission/Rosenkreutz: Lecture VII. The Mission of Gautama Buddha on Mars 130  Neuchatel [*]
. 1912-12-18 pm  Esoteric Christianity: The Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz 130  Neuchatel [*]
. 1912-12-19 pm  Mission/Rosenkreutz: Lecture VI. The Starry Heaven Above Me - The Moral Law Within Me 130  St_Gallen [*]
. 1912-12-22 pm  Between Death and Rebirth: Lecture Five 141  Berlin [*]
. 1912-12-24 pm  Thoughts on Christmas Eve
From: Birth of the Light
143  Berlin [*]
. 1912-12-28 pm  The uniform plan of World History. The Confluence of three spiritual streams in the Bhagavad Gita.
From: The Bhagavad Gita and the Epistles of St. Paul
142  Cologne [*]
. 1912-12-29 pm  The basis of knowledge of the Gita, the Veda, Sankhya, Yoga.
From: The Bhagavad Gita and the Epistles of St. Paul
142  Cologne [*]
. 1912-12-30 pm  The union of the three streams in the Christ Impulse, the Teaching of Krishna.
From: The Bhagavad Gita and the Epistles of St. Paul
142  Cologne [*]
. 1912-12-31 pm  The nature of the Bhagavad Gita and the significance of the Epistles of St. Paul. How the Christ Impulse surpasses the Krishna Impulse.
From: The Bhagavad Gita and the Epistles of St. Paul
142  Cologne [*]

Total On-site Lectures for 1912: 157

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