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On-line Lectures by Date


The Lectures by Date Section of the Rudolf Steiner Archive presents some of the lectures given by Rudolf Steiner in order by lecture date. They are specifically designated as lectures in the Catalogue of Holdings. Our selections of Steiner's Books and/or Articles/Essays can be referenced from here, or from the Main Steiner e.Lib Menu. The Table below lists the Lectures' date, the name of the lecture, and whether an abstract of the lecture is available. Under the lecture name is the book title, if applicable. Dates are in yyyy-mm-dd format.

Selected Lectures for 1913 ...

  Date Name of Lecture GA# Place  
. 1913-01-01 pm  The spiritual nature of Maya. Krishna - the Light-Halo of Christ. The Risen One.
From: The Bhagavad Gita and the Epistles of St. Paul
142  Cologne [*]
. 1913-01-02   Esoteric Lessons Part III: Koeln, 1-2-'13 266  Cologne [*]
. 1913-01-07 pm  Between Death and Rebirth: Lecture Six 141  Berlin [*]
. 1913-01-07   Olaf Oesteson: The Awakening of the Earth Spirit 158  Berlin [*]
. 1913-01-09 pm  Jacob Boehme 62  Berlin [*]
. 1913-01-14 pm  Between Death and Rebirth: Lecture Seven 141  Berlin [*]
. 1913-01-16 pm  in Relation to Spiritual Science
From: The Worldview of Herman Grimm
62  Berlin [*]
. 1913-01-21 pm  Okkulte Untersuchungen: Vortrag: Zwischen Tod und Neuer Geburt 140  [*]
. 1913-01-21 pm  Life Between ... VIII: Between Death and a New Birth 140  Vienna [*]
. 1913-01-26 pm  Okkulte Untersuchungen: Vortrag: Vom Leben Nach dem Tode 140  [*]
. 1913-01-26 pm  Life Between ... IX: Life After Death 140  Linz [*]
. 1913-01-30 pm  Raffaels Mission Im Lichte der Wissenschaft vom Geiste 62  Berlin [*]
. 1913-01-30 pm  The Mission of Raphael in the Light of Spiritual Science 62  Berlin [*]
. 1913-01-30 pm  Raphael's Mission in the Light of the Science of the Spirit 62  Berlin [*]
. 1913-02-03 pm  Mysteries of the East: Lecture 1 144  Berlin [*]
. 1913-02-04 pm  Mysteries of the East: Lecture 2 144  Berlin [*]
. 1913-02-05 pm  Mysteries of the East: Lecture 3 144  Berlin [*]
. 1913-02-06 pm  Poetry/Fairy Tales: Lecture 1: The Poetry of Fairy Tales 62  Berlin [*]
. 1913-02-06 pm  Fairy Tales: in the light of Spiritual Investigation 62  Berlin [*]
. 1913-02-07 pm  Mysteries of the East: Lecture 4 144  Berlin [*]
. 1913-02-08   Esoteric Lessons Part III: Berlin, 2-8-'13 266  Berlin [*]
. 1913-02-11 pm  Between Death and Rebirth: Lecture Eight 141  Berlin [*]
. 1913-02-13 pm  His Spiritual and Intellectual Greatness At the Turning Point of the New Age
From: Leonardo da Vinci
62  Berlin [*]
. 1913-02-13 pm  Leonardo's Spiritual Stature: Lecture 62  Berlin [*]
. 1913-02-16 pm  Okkulte Untersuchungen: Vortrag: Anthroposophie Als Empfindungsund Lebensgehalt 140  [*]
. 1913-02-16 pm  Veneration and Reverence for the Occult and Hidden Facts
From: Anthroposophy as a Substance of Life and Feeling
140  Tubingen [*]
. 1913-02-16 pm  Life Between ... X: Anthroposophy as the Quickener of Feeling and of Life 140  Tubingen [*]
. 1913-02-16   Truths and Errors: Lecture VII: The Questions of Life and the Riddle of Death - 1 69a Tubingen [*]
. 1913-02-17   Esoteric Lessons Part III: Stuttgart, 2-17 (20)-'13 266  Stuttgart [*]
. 1913-02-17 pm  Okkulte Untersuchungen: Vortrag I: Die Kosmische Seite des Lebens Zwischen Tod 140  [*]
. 1913-02-17 pm  Esoteric Studies: Lecture I: Cosmic Aspect of Life Between Death and New Birth 140  Stuttgart [*]
. 1913-02-18 pm  About Horses That Can Count and Calculate Unknown Stuttgart [*]
. 1913-02-19 pm  Truths and Errors: Lecture VI: Errors of Spiritual Research - 2 69a Stuttgart [*]
. 1913-02-20 pm  Okkulte Untersuchungen: Vortrag II: Das Gegenseitige In-beziehung-treten Zwischen den Lebenden und den Sogenannten Toten 140  [*]
. 1913-02-20 pm  Esoteric Studies: Lecture II: Establishment of Mutual Relations Between the Living and the So-called Dead 140  Stuttgart [*]
. 1913-03-01 pm  Truths and Errors: Lecture IX: Spiritual Science and Natural Sciences - their Relationship to the Riddles of Life - 1 69a Karlsruhe [*]
. 1913-03-02 pm  Okkulte Untersuchungen: Vortrag: Die Mission des Erdenlebens als Durchgangspunkt fuer das Jenseits 140  [*]
. 1913-03-02 pm  Life Between ... XI: The Mission of Earthly Life as a Transitional Stage for the Beyond 140  Frankfurt [*]
. 1913-03-03 pm  Truths and Errors: Lecture X: Spiritual Science and Natural Sciences - their Relationship to the Riddles of Life - 2 69a Frankfurt [*]
. 1913-03-04 pm  Between Death and Rebirth: Lecture Nine 141  Berlin [*]
. 1913-03-06 pm  Meeting the Guardian of the Threshold
From: Errors in Spiritual Investigation:
62  Berlin [*]
. 1913-03-09 pm  Lecture: How Can We Gain Knowledge of the Supersensible Worlds? Unknown Dornach [*]
. 1913-03-10 pm  Okkulte Untersuchungen: Vortrag I: Uber das Leben Zwischen Tod und Neuer Geburt 140  [*]
. 1913-03-10 pm  Life Between ... XII: Life Between Death and Rebirth 1 140  Munich [*]
. 1913-03-12 pm  Okkulte Untersuchungen: Vortrag: Vom Durchgang des Menschen Nach dem Tode Durch die Spharen des Kosmos 140  [*]
. 1913-03-12 pm  Life Between ... XIII: Life Between Death and Rebirth 2 140  Munich [*]
. 1913-03-16   Esoteric Lessons Part III: Berlin, 3-16-'13 266  Berlin [*]
. 1913-03-20 pm  Welche Bedeutung: Erster Vortrag 145  The_Hague [*]
. 1913-03-20 pm  Okkulte Utvikling: Foredrag 1 145  The_Hague [*]
. 1913-03-20 pm  Effects of Occult Development: Lecture I 145  The_Hague [*]
. 1913-03-21   Esoteric Lessons Part III: The Hague, 3-21-'13, Good Friday 266  The_Hague [*]
. 1913-03-21 pm  Welche Bedeutung: Zweiter Vortrag 145  The_Hague [*]
. 1913-03-21 pm  Okkulte Utvikling: Foredrag 2 145  The_Hague [*]
. 1913-03-21 pm  Effects of Occult Development: Lecture II 145  The_Hague [*]
. 1913-03-22 pm  Welche Bedeutung: Dritter Vortrag 145  The_Hague [*]
. 1913-03-22 pm  Okkulte Utvikling: Foredrag 3 145  The_Hague [*]
. 1913-03-22 pm  Effects of Occult Development: Lecture III 145  The_Hague [*]
. 1913-03-23 pm  Welche Bedeutung: Vierter Vortrag 145  The_Hague [*]
. 1913-03-23 pm  Okkulte Utvikling: Foredrag 4 145  The_Hague [*]
. 1913-03-23 pm  Effects of Occult Development: Lecture IV 145  The_Hague [*]
. 1913-03-24 pm  Welche Bedeutung: Fuenfter Vortrag 145  The_Hague [*]
. 1913-03-24 pm  Okkulte Utvikling: Foredrag 5 145  The_Hague [*]
. 1913-03-24 pm  Effects of Occult Development: Lecture V 145  The_Hague [*]
. 1913-03-25 pm  Welche Bedeutung: Sechster Vortrag 145  The_Hague [*]
. 1913-03-25 pm  Okkulte Utvikling: Foredrag 6 145  The_Hague [*]
. 1913-03-25 pm  Effects of Occult Development: Lecture VI 145  The_Hague [*]
. 1913-03-26 pm  Welche Bedeutung: Siebenter Vortrag 145  The_Hague [*]
. 1913-03-26 pm  Okkulte Utvikling: Foredrag 7 145  The_Hague [*]
. 1913-03-26 pm  Effects of Occult Development: Lecture VII 145  The_Hague [*]
. 1913-03-27 pm  Welche Bedeutung: Achter Vortrag 145  The_Hague [*]
. 1913-03-27 pm  Okkulte Utvikling: Foredrag 8 145  The_Hague [*]
. 1913-03-27 pm  Effects of Occult Development: Lecture VIII 145  The_Hague [*]
. 1913-03-28 pm  Welche Bedeutung: Neunter Vortrag 145  The_Hague [*]
. 1913-03-28 pm  Okkulte Utvikling: Foredrag 9 145  The_Hague [*]
. 1913-03-28 pm  Effects of Occult Development: Lecture IX 145  The_Hague [*]
. 1913-03-29 pm  Welche Bedeutung: Zehnter Vortrag 145  The_Hague [*]
. 1913-03-29 pm  Okkulte Utvikling: Foredrag 10 145  The_Hague [*]
. 1913-03-29 pm  Effects of Occult Development: Lecture X 145  The_Hague [*]
. 1913-04-01 pm  Between Death and Rebirth: Lecture Ten 141  Berlin [*]
. 1913-04-05 pm  Okkulte Untersuchungen: Vortrag: Erganzende Tatsachen uber das Leben zwischen Tod und neuer Geburt 140  [*]
. 1913-04-05 pm  Life Between ... XIV: Further Facts About Life Between Death and Rebirth 140  Breslau [*]
. 1913-04-11   Esoteric Lessons Part III: Berlin, 4-11-'13 266  Berlin [*]
. 1913-04-23 pm  From a Branch Lecture in Essen on 23 April 1913
From: On the Relationship with the Dead
None Essen [*]
. 1913-04-27 pm  Okkulte Untersuchungen: Vortrag: Uber den Verkehr mit den Toten 140  [*]
. 1913-04-27 pm  Life Between ... XV: Intercourse With the Dead 140  Dusseldorf [*]
. 1913-05-01 pm  Lecture: Occult Science and Occult Development 152  London [*]
. 1913-05-02 pm  Lecture: Christ at the Time of the Mystery of Golgotha and Christ in the Twentieth Century 152  London [*]
. 1913-05-05 pm  Lecture: Macrocosm and Microcosm 150  Paris [*]
. 1913-05-13 pm  Okkulte Untersuchungen: Vortrag: Das Leben Nach dem Tode 140  [*]
. 1913-05-13 pm  Life Between ... XVI: Life After Death 140  Strasbourg [*]
. 1913-05-14   Esoteric Lessons Part III: Strassburg, 5-14-'13 266  Strassburg [*]
. 1913-05-17 pm  Truths and Errors: Lecture VIII: The Questions of Life and the Riddle of Death - 2 69a Stuttgart [*]
. 1913-05-18   Esoteric Lessons Part III: Stuttgart, 5-18-'13 266  Stuttgart [*]
. 1913-05-18 pm  Lecture: Michaelmas Va: The Michael Impulse and the Mystery of Golgotha (Part I) 152  Stuttgart [*]
. 1913-05-20 pm  Lecture: Michaelmas Vb: The Michael Impulse and the Mystery of Golgotha (Part II) 152  Stuttgart [*]
. 1913-05-28 pm  Occult Significance of the Bhagavad Gita: Lecture 1 of 9 146  Helsingfors [*]
. 1913-05-29 pm  Occult Significance of the Bhagavad Gita: Lecture 2 of 9 146  Helsingfors [*]
. 1913-05-30 pm  Occult Significance of the Bhagavad Gita: Lecture 3 of 9 146  Helsingfors [*]
. 1913-05-31 pm  Occult Significance of the Bhagavad Gita: Lecture 4 of 9 146  Helsingfors [*]
. 1913-06-01   Esoteric Lessons Part III: Helsinki, 6-1-'13 266  Helsinki [*]
. 1913-06-01 pm  Occult Significance of the Bhagavad Gita: Lecture 5 of 9 146  Helsingfors [*]
. 1913-06-02 pm  Occult Significance of the Bhagavad Gita: Lecture 6 of 9 146  Helsingfors [*]
. 1913-06-03 pm  Occult Significance of the Bhagavad Gita: Lecture 7 of 9 146  Helsingfors [*]
. 1913-06-04 pm  Occult Significance of the Bhagavad Gita: Lecture 8 of 9 146  Helsingfors [*]
. 1913-06-05 pm  Occult Significance of the Bhagavad Gita: Lecture 9 of 9 146  Helsingfors [*]
. 1913-06-08   Esoteric Lessons Part III: Stockholm, 6-8-'13 266  Stockholm [*]
. 1913-08-24 pm  Lecture: Secrets/Threshold: Lecture I 147  Munich [*]
. 1913-08-25 pm  Lecture: Secrets/Threshold: Lecture II 147  Munich [*]
. 1913-08-26 pm  Perception of the Elemental World 147  Munich [*]
. 1913-08-26 pm  Lecture: Secrets/Threshold: Lecture III 147  Munich [*]
. 1913-08-27 pm  Lecture: Secrets/Threshold: Lecture IV 147  Munich [*]
. 1913-08-28 pm  Lecture: Secrets/Threshold: Lecture V 147  Munich [*]
. 1913-08-29 pm  Lecture: Secrets/Threshold: Lecture VI 147  Munich [*]
. 1913-08-30 pm  Lecture: Secrets/Threshold: Lecture VII 147  Munich [*]
. 1913-08-31 pm  Lecture: Secrets/Threshold: Lecture VIII 147  Munich [*]
. 1913-09-03   Esoteric Lessons Part III: Muenchen, 9-3-'13 266  Munich [*]
. 1913-09-04   Esoteric Lessons Part III: Muenchen, 9-4-'13 266  Munich [*]
. 1913-10-01 pm  Das F�nfte Evangelium: Erster Vortrag, Kristiania (Oslo), 1. Oktober 1913 148  Oslo [*]
. 1913-10-01 pm  The Fifth Gospel: Lecture I
From: The Fifth Gospel
148  Oslo [*]
. 1913-10-01 pm  Fifth Gospel (1950): Lecture I
From: The Fifth Gospel
148  Christiania [*]
. 1913-10-02 pm  Das F�nfte Evangelium: Zweiter Vortrag, Kristiania (Oslo), 2. Oktober 1913 148  Oslo [*]
. 1913-10-02 pm  The Fifth Gospel: Lecture II
From: The Fifth Gospel
148  Oslo [*]
. 1913-10-02 pm  Fifth Gospel (1950): Lecture II
From: The Fifth Gospel
148  Christiania [*]
. 1913-10-03 pm  Das F�nfte Evangelium: Dritter Vortrag, Kristiania (Oslo), 3. Oktober 1913 148  Oslo [*]
. 1913-10-03 pm  The Fifth Gospel: Lecture III
From: The Fifth Gospel
148  Oslo [*]
. 1913-10-03 pm  Fifth Gospel (1950): Lecture III
From: The Fifth Gospel
148  Christiania [*]
. 1913-10-05   Esoteric Lessons Part III: Christiania, 10-5-'13 266  Christiania [*]
. 1913-10-05 pm  Das F�nfte Evangelium: Vierter Vortrag, Kristiania (Oslo), 5. Oktober 1913 148  Oslo [*]
. 1913-10-05 pm  The Fifth Gospel: Lecture IV
From: The Fifth Gospel
148  Oslo [*]
. 1913-10-05 pm  Fifth Gospel (1950): Lecture IV
From: The Fifth Gospel
148  Christiania [*]
. 1913-10-06   Esoteric Lessons Part III: Oslo, 10-6-'13 266  Oslo [*]
. 1913-10-06 pm  Das F�nfte Evangelium: F�nfter Vortrag, Kristiania (Oslo), 6. Oktober 1913 148  Oslo [*]
. 1913-10-06 pm  The Fifth Gospel: Lecture V
From: The Fifth Gospel
148  Oslo [*]
. 1913-10-06 pm  Fifth Gospel (1950): Lecture V
From: The Fifth Gospel
148  Christiania [*]
. 1913-10-10 pm  Okkulte Untersuchungen: Vortrag I: Die Lebendige Wechselwirkung Zwischen Lebenden und Toten 140  [*]
. 1913-10-10 pm  Lecture: Links Between the Living and the Dead 140  Bergen [*]
. 1913-10-10 pm  Descriptive Sketches: Lecture I 140  Bergen [*]
. 1913-10-10 pm  Eleven k�lcs�nhat�s �l�k �s holtak k�z�tt GA140 Bergen [*]
. 1913-10-11   Esoteric Lessons Part III: Bergen, 10-11-'13 266  Bergen [*]
. 1913-10-11 pm  Okkulte Untersuchungen: Vortrag II: Die Umwandlung menschlich-irdischer Krafte zu Kraften hellseherischer Forschung 140  [*]
. 1913-10-11 pm  Lecture: The Transformation of Earthly Forces into Clairvoyant Faculties 140  Bergen [*]
. 1913-10-11 pm  Descriptive Sketches: Lecture II 140  Bergen [*]
. 1913-10-15   Esoteric Lessons Part III: Copenhagen, 10-15-'13 266  Copenhagen [*]
. 1913-10-21 pm  Das F�nfte Evangelium: Erster Vortrag, Berlin, 21. Oktober 1913 148  Berlin [*]
. 1913-10-30 pm  Spiritual Science/Treasure for Life: Lecture I: The Spiritual World and Spiritual Science 63  Berlin [*]
. 1913-11-04 pm  Das F�nfte Evangelium: Zweiter Vortrag, Berlin, 4. November 1913 148  Berlin [*]
. 1913-11-06 pm  Spiritual Science/Treasure for Life: Lecture II: Theosophy and Antisophy 63  Berlin [*]
. 1913-11-09   Esoteric Lessons Part III: Nuernberg, 11-9-'13 266  Nuremberg [*]
. 1913-11-10   Esoteric Lessons Part III: Nuernberg, 11-10-'13 266  Nuremberg [*]
. 1913-11-15 pm  Jesus and Christ Unknown Hamburg [*]
. 1913-11-16 pm  Das F�nfte Evangelium: Erster Vortrag, Hamburg, 16. November 1913 148  Hamburg [*]
. 1913-11-17   Esoteric Lessons Part III: Berlin, 11-17-'13 266  Berlin [*]
. 1913-11-18 pm  Das F�nfte Evangelium: Dritter Vortrag, Berlin, 18. November 1913 148  Berlin [*]
. 1913-11-20 pm  Spiritual Science/Treasure for Life: Lecture III: Spiritual Science and Denomination 63  Berlin [*]
. 1913-11-22 pm  Das F�nfte Evangelium: Erster Vortrag, Stuttgart, 22. November 1913 148  Stuttgart [*]
. 1913-11-23   Esoteric Lessons Part III: Stuttgart, 11-23-'13 266  Stuttgart [*]
. 1913-11-23 pm  Das F�nfte Evangelium: Zweiter Vortrag (Notizen), Stuttgart, 23. November 1913 148  Stuttgart [*]
. 1913-11-27 pm  Spiritual Science/Treasure for Life: Lecture IV: On Death 63  Berlin [*]
. 1913-12-04 pm  Spiritual Science/Treasure for Life: Lecture V: The Meaning of Immortality of the Human Soul 63  Berlin [*]
. 1913-12-08 pm  Das F�nfte Evangelium: Erster Vortrag, Mnchen, 8. Dezember 1913 148  Munich [*]
. 1913-12-09   Esoteric Lessons Part III: Muenchen, 12-9-'13 266  Munich [*]
. 1913-12-10 pm  Das F�nfte Evangelium: Zweiter Vortrag, Mnchen, 10. Dezember 1913 148  Munich [*]
. 1913-12-17 pm  Das F�nfte Evangelium: Erster Vortrag, K�ln, 17. Dezember 1913 148  Cologne [*]
. 1913-12-17 pm  Fifth Gospel, Part 2: Lecture I 148  Cologne [*]
. 1913-12-18 pm  Das F�nfte Evangelium: Zweiter Vortrag, K�ln, 18. Dezember 1913 148  Cologne [*]
. 1913-12-18 pm  Fifth Gospel, Part 2: Lecture II 148  Cologne [*]
. 1913-12-23 pm  A Christmas Offering
From: Newborn Might and Strength Everlasting
150  Berlin [*]
. 1913-12-28 pm  Christ and the Spiritual World: Lecture One 149  Leipzig [*]
. 1913-12-29 pm  Christ and the Spiritual World: Lecture Two 149  Leipzig [*]
. 1913-12-30   Esoteric Lessons Part III: Leipzig, 12-30-'13 266  Leipzig [*]
. 1913-12-30 pm  Christ and the Spiritual World: Lecture Three 149  Leipzig [*]
. 1913-12-31 pm  Christ and the Spiritual World: Lecture Four 149  Leipzig [*]

Total On-site Lectures for 1913: 172

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