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What's Old, from 2002, at the Steiner Archive


There are a lot of changes going on around the Steiner Archive: new formats, new links, additional features. Sometimes it's hard to find out just what is going on! Well, here is what you've been looking for — a list of the changes, additions, and coming attractions that occured at the Archive in 2002.

Some 2002 Changes...

. The Riddle of Humanity (as of 07/28/2002) and
. Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts (as of 07/30/2002)
... are just two of 17 New lecture series' and books that have been put on-line since July 1st. Look for the *New* icon in all of the Archive Sections to see what's new.
. The Study of Man (as of 06/23/2002)
The Study of Man is the newest addition to the Archive, appearing in the Lectures and the Education Sections. As a bonus, the essay The Education of the Child in the Light of Anthroposophy is included in the Articles and Education Sections as well. Oh my! Additional bonuses galore: there are many new documents appearing in almost all of the Sections — look for the *New* icon to see what's new.
. For all Sections at the Archive, the *New* icon has changed behavior! (as of 06/20/2002)
Many folks have complained that the *New* icon on the selection menus stayed active for too long. This was because the e.Librarian was lazy, and did not remove it in a timely fashion. It's changed now, by gum! (American slang) There is now a timer on the icon that is set for 30 days after the document first arrives at the Archive. It will then automatically be dropped from the menu. Now you can be assured that if the menu says it is new, it is new or has been updated.
. Christianity as Mystical Fact (as of 06/14/2002)
A newly edited and annotated version of Christianity as Mystical Fact is now in the Books Section. Unlike the old version, this version is now in the format of the rest of the Books Section, including many reference cross-reference links, extensive Search feature, and a usable index. We will soon be adding the referenced texts by Philo of Alexandria, Plato, Aristotle, etc.
. Inner Impulses of Evolution (as of 06/10/2002)
A hearty thank you should go to the wonderful members of the Michael Branch in Quito, Equador for their work in transcribing "Inner Impulses of Evolution: The Mexican Mysteries and The Knights Templar", and is now — finally — on-line in the Lectures Section. It is just in time for the Second Pan-American Anthroposophical Conference to be held in July. This seven lecture series is from GA 171.
. Cosmology, Religion and Philosophy (as of 06/04/2002)
This book — GA 25 — focuses on exercises to attain higher spiritual development. Steiner gives a description of philosophy based on Imagination, cosmology based on Inspiration, and religion based on Intuition. This is followed by a rich account of the stages of sleep and the period between death and rebirth, especially the role of Christ after death as revealed to spiritual cognition.
Each chapter of this book was originally a part of a series of ten lectures given at the Goetheanum in September of 1922, known as the "French Course." These lectures were revised by Steiner for printed form and were published. The lecture series is GA 215.
. The Warmth Course (as of 05/26/2002)
And also ... The Second Scientific Lecture Course: Warmth Course has been finished. The second of the series of Science Courses is now complete. Look for more “Science” goodies, coming soon.
. The Light Course (as of 05/21/2002)
Finally!! The First Scientific Lecture Course: The Light Course has been finished. For all of those folks asking about it, it is now complete.
. The Guestbook has been disabled (as of 05/19/2002)
Until further notice, the Guestbook feature has been disabled on this website. Over the last couple of months, the Guestbook has been ravaged by hundreds of "fake" entries where the supposed visitor tries to sneak in a link to a Sex site, or some other "enterprise." The e.Librarian has spent many hours cleaning house. It has also been noted that SPAMbots are reaping email addresses from our Guestbook! We had good intentions when we set up this feature, and I know all of the "real" visitors had good intentions when they signed in. We are sorry for any inconvenience this has caused, but a Guestbook is a public forum, so to speak. We are working on a new Guestbook feature that will not display email addresses or URL's. We will let everyone know when it is debuted.
. Individualism in Philosophy (as of 05/15/2002)
This is the first English translation of Rudolf Steiner's essay “Egoismus in der Philosophie” (1899), first published in Arthur Dix's collection of essays entitled Der Egoismus. This essay is also published under the title “Der Individualismus in der Philosophie” in Methodische Grundlagen der Anthroposophie: gesammelte Aufs�tze 1884-1901, GA 30.
. A Road to Self-Knowledge (as of 04/20/2002)
This book is an “amplification” of the book entitled Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment. It consists of eight “meditations.” The eight topics treated are: The Physical Body, The Etheric Body, Clairvoyant Cognition of the Elemental World, The Guardian of the Threshold, The Astral Body, The Ego Body or Thought Body, The Character of Experience in the Supersensible Worlds, and The Way in Which Man Beholds His Repeated Earth Lives.
. Occult Science — An Outline (as of 04/13/2002)
This book is a sequel to Dr. Steiner's earlier book entitled Theosophy. Generally speaking, Occult Science deals with the evolution of Man and the Earth. We offer three different editions of this book.
. The Story of My Life (as of 03/25/2002)
Thanks to the efforts of John Penner, we present a final draft of Rudolf Steiner's autobiography “The Story of My Life” — the 1928 edition. It is complete with photographs and is available for download in many different archive formats.
. The Theory of Knowledge Implicit in Goethe's World Conception (as of 03/20/2002)
Grundlinien einer Erkenntnistheorie der Goetheschen Weltanschauung, mit besonderer R�cksicht auf Schiller (as of 03/04/2002)
The basis of a theory of the Goethean world view, with special reference to Schiller, as well as an addition to Goethe's “Scientific Writings” in Kuerschner's “German National Literature.” Almost forty years after his early works on this subject, Rudolf Steiner wrote: “By putting this before me again today, it appears to be the epistemological foundation and justification of all that I published later. It speaks of a way of perceiving that opens the physically apparent world into the spiritual/intellectual.”
The English edition has been donated by: John R. Penner.
. Goethes Naturwissenschaftliche Schriften (as of 03/04/2002)
In 1890, Rudolf Steiner went to Weimar to edit the scientific writings of Goethe for the Kuerschner edition of the “German National Literature.” In addition to sorting and arranging, he wrote introductions and commentaries. These have been collected and published in English translation with the title Goethe the Scientist or Goethean Science. Currently, only the German edition is available at the RS Archive.

What's Happening Links ...

. What's New? — Newest changes. (updated Nov 03, 2022)

. What's Coming? — Coming attractions. (updated Oct 15, 2022)

Links from prior years ...

. What was in 2008 (updated Oct 15, 2022)
. What was in 2007 (updated Jul 09, 2009)
. What was in 2006 (updated Feb 01, 2009)
. What was in 2005 (updated Feb 01, 2009)
. What was in 2004 (updated Oct 15, 2022)
. What was in 2003 (updated Oct 15, 2022)
. What was in 2001 (updated Nov 03, 2022)
. What was in 2000 (updated Oct 15, 2022)
. What was in 1999 (updated Oct 15, 2022)
. What was in 1998 and before (updated Oct 15, 2022)

Image noimage120.gifMarkerThe Gospel of St MarkMarker
by Rudolf Steiner
Image 9780880100540.jpgMarkerBlessed By IllnessMarker
by L. F. C. Mees
Image 9780880100816.jpgMarkerThe Cycle of the YearMarker
by Rudolf Steiner
Image 9781855842243.jpgMarkerEurythmy TherapyMarker
by Rudolf Steiner
Image 9780880100816.jpgMarkerThe Cycle of the YearMarker
by Rudolf Steiner
Image 9781621480303.jpgMarkerSpiritual Life Now and After DeathMarker
by Rudolf Steiner
RS Press Logo

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