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English Books

Occult Science,

Occult Science — An Outline,
An Outline of Occult Science,
An Outline of Esoteric Science,

Rudolf Steiner
(Written 1910; GA 13 / Bn 13 / CW 13)

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This book is a sequel to Dr. Steiner's earlier book entitled Theosophy. Generally speaking, Occult Science deals with the evolution of Man and the Earth. It was originally published in German as, Die Geheimwissenschaft Im Umriss.

Old Moon Evolution, Old Sun Evolution, and Old Saturn Evolution are dealt with in considerable detail. These three evolutions are previous to the present Earth Evolution. Each one in its turn developed its respective qualities, the results of which are incorporated in the life on Earth today.

Other than prefaces and addenda, the contents are:
    The Character of Occult Science
    The Nature of Humanity
    Sleep and Death
    Man and the Evolution of the World
    Knowledge of the Higher Worlds,
        Concerning Initiation
    Present and Future Evolution of the
        World and of Mankind
    Details from the Domain of Spiritual Science:
        The Ether-Body of Man
        The Astral World
        Man's Life after Death
        The Stages of Man's Life
        Higher Regions of the Spiritual World
        The Members of Man's Being
        The State of Consciousness in Dreaming
        The Way to Supersensible Cognition
        The Observation of Particular Events
            and Beings

Known Publications:

  • Die Geheimwissenschaft Im Umriss
    (Siehe auch due Ausgabe in der “Edition Rudolf Steiners”)
    , German language editions: 1913, 1920(editions 7...15) 1925(editions 16...20) 1930, 1937, 1938, 1946, 1948, 1955, 1962, 1968, 1977, 1989, 1996 ISBN 3-7274-0130-3,
  • An Outline of Occult Science, Rand McNally, New York and Chicago, 1914, 469 pp., translated from the 4th German edition of 1913 and edited by Max Gysi
  • An Outline of Occult Science, Theosophical Publishing Society, London, 1914, 469 pp., translated from the 4th German edition of 1913 and edited by Max Gysi
  • Occult Science — An Outline, Anthroposophical Literature Concern, Chicago and Highland New York, 1922, 416 pp.
  • Occult Science — An Outline, Anthroposophic Press, New York, and Rudolf Steiner Publishing Co., London, 1922, 1939, 337 pp., translated from the 23rd German edition of 1938 by Maud B. Monges and Henry B. Monges
  • Occult Science — An Outline, Rudolf Steiner Publishing Co., London, and Anthroposophic Press, New York, 1939, 416 pp., translated from the 4th German edition of 1913 translator unknown
  • Occult Science — An Outline, Rudolf Steiner Publishing Co., London, 1949–1950, translated from the German by H. B. Monges
  • Occult Science — An Outline, Anthroposophic Press, New York, 1950, 325 pp., translated from the German by H. Monges and M. Monges
  • Occult Science — An Outline, Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1962–1963, 377 pp., translated from the 26th German edition of 1955 by George and Mary Adams
  • Occult Science — An Outline, Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1969, 377 pp., translataed from the 26th German edition of 1955 by George and Mary Adams
  • An Outline of Occult Science, Anthroposophic Press, Spring Valley, New York, 1972, 388 pp., translataed from the German by Maud and Henry Monges and revised by Lisa D. Monges ISBN 0-88010-368-X,
  • An Outline of Occult Science, Anthroposophic Press, New York, 1972, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1985, 1989 translated by the Monges ISBN 0-910142-26-2, Cloth; ISBN 0-910142-75-0, Paper
  • An Outline of Esoteric Science, Anthroposophic Press, New York, 1997, 480 pp., ISBN 0-88010-409-0, Paper
  • Reprinted by Kessinger Publications.

GA 13 / Bn 13 / CW 13 ... Selections in English ...


Occult Science — An Outline (RSP 1963)

Book Cover Image Translation made from the 26th edition of the German text entitled Geheimwissenschaft im Umriss. English edition published by permission of the Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland. It was published in 1963 by The Rudolf Steiner Press.

. Occult Science — An Outline (RSP 1969)
Book Cover Image Translation made from the 26th edition of the German text entitled Geheimwissenschaft im Umriss. English edition published by permission of the Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland. It was published in 1969 by The Rudolf Steiner Press.

. An Outline of Occult Science (AP 1972)
Book Cover Image This volume is a translation of Geheimwissenschaft im Umriss (Vol. 13 in the Bibliographic Survey, 1961). It was translated by Maud and Henry B. Monges and revised for this edition by Lisa D. Monges. It was published in 1972 by The Anthroposophic Press.

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