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On-site Lectures for GA 243


The Lectures by Bn/GA Section of the Rudolf Steiner Archive presents some of the lectures given by Rudolf Steiner in order by lecture GA Number. They are specifically designated as lectures in the Catalogue of Holdings. Our selections of Steiner's Books and/or Articles/Essays can be referenced from here, or from the Main Steiner e.Lib Menu. The Table below lists the Lectures' GA Number, the name of the lecture, and whether an abstract of the lecture is available. Under the lecture name is the book title, if applicable. Dates are in yyyy-mm-dd format.

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Selected Lectures for GA 243 ...

  Date Name of Lecture Place Year  
. 1924-08-11 pm  Das Initiaten-Bewu�tsein: Erster Vortrag Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-11 pm  True/False Paths: Lecture One: Nature is the Great Illusion; Know Thyself Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-11 pm  True/False Paths: Lecture One: Nature is the Great Illusion; Know Thyself Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-12 pm  Das Initiaten-Bewu�tsein: Zweiter Vortrag Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-12 pm  True/False Paths: Lecture Two: The Three Worlds and their Reflected Images Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-12 pm  True/False Paths: Lecture Two: The Three Worlds and their Reflected Images Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-13 pm  Das Initiaten-Bewu�tsein: Dritter Vortrag Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-13 pm  True/False Paths: Lecture Three: Form and Substantiality of the Mineral Kingdom in Relation to the Levels of Consciousness in Man Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-13 pm  True/False Paths: Lecture Three: Form and Substantiality of the Mineral Kingdom in Relation to the Levels of Consciousness in Man Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-14 pm  Das Initiaten-Bewu�tsein: Vierter Vortrag Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-14 pm  True/False Paths: Lecture Four: The Secret of Investigation into Other Realms through the Metamorphosis of Consciousness Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-14 pm  True/False Paths: Lecture Four: The Secret of Investigation into Other Realms through the Metamorphosis of Consciousness Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-15 pm  Das Initiaten-Bewu�tsein: F�nfter Vortrag Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-15 pm  True/False Paths: Lecture Five: The Inner Vitalization of the Soul through the Qualities of the Metallic Nature Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-15 pm  True/False Paths: Lecture Five: The Inner Vitalization of the Soul through the Qualities of the Metallic Nature Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-16 pm  Das Initiaten-Bewu�tsein: Sechster Vortrag Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-16 pm  True/False Paths: Lecture Six: Initiation-Knowledge, Waking Consciousness and Dream Consciousness Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-16 pm  True/False Paths: Lecture Six: Initiation-Knowledge, Waking Consciousness and Dream Consciousness Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-18 pm  Das Initiaten-Bewu�tsein: Siebenter Vortrag Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-18 pm  True/False Paths: Lecture Seven: Knowledge of the World of Stars. Differentiation of the Historical Epochs of Mankind and their Spiritual Background Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-18 pm  True/False Paths: Lecture Seven: Knowledge of the World of Stars. Differentiation of the Historical Epochs of Mankind and their Spiritual Background Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-19 pm  Das Initiaten-Bewu�tsein: Achter Vortrag Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-19 pm  True/False Paths: Lecture Eight: Potential Aberrations in Spiritual Investigation Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-19 pm  True/False Paths: Lecture Eight: Potential Aberrations in Spiritual Investigation Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-20 pm  Das Initiaten-Bewu�tsein: Nuenter Vortrag Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-20 pm  True/False Paths: Lecture Nine: Abnormal Paths into the Spiritual World and their Transformation Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-20 pm  True/False Paths: Lecture Nine: Abnormal Paths into the Spiritual World and their Transformation Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-21 pm  Das Initiaten-Bewu�tsein: Zehnter Vortrag Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-21 pm  True/False Paths: Lecture Ten: Influences of the Extra-Terrestrial Cosmos Upon the Consciousness of Man Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-21 pm  True/False Paths: Lecture Ten: Influences of the Extra-Terrestrial Cosmos Upon the Consciousness of Man Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-22 pm  Das Initiaten-Bewu�tsein: Elfter Vortrag Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-22 pm  True/False Paths: Lecture Eleven: What is the Position in Respect of Spiritual Investigation and the Understanding of Spiritual Investigation? Torquay 1924 [*]
. 1924-08-22 pm  True/False Paths: Lecture Eleven: What is the Position in Respect of Spiritual Investigation and the Understanding of Spiritual Investigation? Torquay 1924 [*]

Total On-site Lectures for GA 243: 33

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