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On-line Lectures by Date


The Lectures by Date Section of the Rudolf Steiner Archive presents some of the lectures given by Rudolf Steiner in order by lecture date. They are specifically designated as lectures in the Catalogue of Holdings. Our selections of Steiner's Books and/or Articles/Essays can be referenced from here, or from the Main Steiner e.Lib Menu. The Table below lists the Lectures' date, the name of the lecture, and whether an abstract of the lecture is available. Under the lecture name is the book title, if applicable. Dates are in yyyy-mm-dd format.

Selected Lectures for 1920 ...

  Date Name of Lecture GA# Place  
. 1920-01-01 pm  Cosmic New Year: Lecture V: The Dogma of Revelation and the Dogma of Experience. The Spiritual Mark of the Present Time. A New Year Contemplation. 195  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-01-02 pm  Ninth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course) 320  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-01-03 pm  Tenth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course) 320  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-01-18 pm  Lecture: Some Conditions for Understanding Supersensible Experiences 196  Dornach [*]
. 1920-01-23 pm  The Building at Dornach (Bn/GA 289): Lecture I: The Goetheanum 289  Dornach [*]
. 1920-01-24 pm  The Building at Dornach (Bn/GA 289): Lecture II: Bau Lecture II 289  Dornach [*]
. 1920-01-25 pm  The Building at Dornach (Bn/GA 289): Lecture III: Lecture 3 289  Dornach [*]
. 1920-02-20 pm  Imperialism: Lecture 1 196  Dornach [*]
. 1920-02-21 pm  Imperialism: Lecture 2 196  Dornach [*]
. 1920-02-22 pm  Imperialism: Lecture 3 196  Dornach [*]
. 1920-03-01 pm  Warmth Course: Lecture I 321  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-03-02 am  Warmth Course: Lecture II 321  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-03-03 pm  Warmth Course: Lecture III 321  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-03-04 am  Warmth Course: Lecture IV 321  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-03-05 am  Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 1: Evolution and Consciousness, Lucifer, Ahriman 197  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-03-05 pm  Warmth Course: Lecture V 321  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-03-06 pm  Warmth Course: Lecture VI 321  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-03-07 am  Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 2: East, West, and the Culture of Middle Europe, the Science of Initiation 197  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-03-07 pm  Warmth Course: Lecture VII 321  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-03-08 pm  Warmth Course: Lecture VIII 321  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-03-09 am  Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 3: Political Empires 197  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-03-09 pm  Warmth Course: Lecture IX 321  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-03-10 am  Warmth Course: Lecture X 321  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-03-10 pm  Lecture: The Peoples of the Earth in the Light of Anthroposophy 335  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-03-11 pm  Warmth Course: Lecture XI 321  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-03-12 am  Warmth Course: Lecture XII 321  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-03-13 am  Warmth Course: Lecture XIII 321  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-03-14 pm  Warmth Course: Lecture XIV 321  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-03-20 pm  Knowledge of Healing: Lecture I 198  Berlin [*]
. 1920-03-21 pm  Spiritual Science and Medicine -- Lecture I 312  Dornach [*]
. 1920-03-21   Knowledge of Healing: Lecture II 198  Berlin [*]
. 1920-03-22 pm  Spiritual Science and Medicine -- Lecture II 312  Dornach [*]
. 1920-03-23 pm  Spiritual Science and Medicine -- Lecture III 312  Dornach [*]
. 1920-03-24 pm  Spiritual Science and Medicine -- Lecture IV 312  Dornach [*]
. 1920-03-25 pm  Spiritual Science and Medicine -- Lecture V 312  Dornach [*]
. 1920-03-26 am  Spiritual Science and Medicine -- Lecture VI 312  Dornach [*]
. 1920-03-27 pm  Spiritual Science and Medicine -- Lecture VII 312  Dornach [*]
. 1920-03-28 pm  Spiritual Science and Medicine -- Lecture VIII 312  Dornach [*]
. 1920-03-29 pm  Spiritual Science and Medicine -- Lecture IX 312  Dornach [*]
. 1920-03-30 pm  Spiritual Science and Medicine -- Lecture X 312  Dornach [*]
. 1920-03-31 pm  Spiritual Science and Medicine -- Lecture XI 312  Dornach [*]
. 1920-04-01 pm  Spiritual Science and Medicine -- Lecture XII 312  Dornach [*]
. 1920-04-02 am  Festivals/Easter: Lecture I: Easter: The Festival of Warning 198  Dornach [*]
. 1920-04-02 am  Lecture: The Meaning of Easter: St. Paul and the Christ Impulse 198  Dornach [*]
. 1920-04-02 pm  Spiritual Science and Medicine -- Lecture XIII 312  Dornach [*]
. 1920-04-03 am  Festivals/Easter: Lecture II: The Blood-relationship and The Christ-relationship 198  Dornach [*]
. 1920-04-03 pm  Spiritual Science and Medicine -- Lecture XIV 312  Dornach [*]
. 1920-04-04 pm  Spiritual Science and Medicine -- Lecture XV 312  Dornach [*]
. 1920-04-05 pm  Spiritual Science and Medicine -- Lecture XVI 312  Dornach [*]
. 1920-04-06 pm  Spiritual Science and Medicine -- Lecture XVII 312  Dornach [*]
. 1920-04-07 am  Spiritual Science and Medicine -- Lecture XVIII 312  Dornach [*]
. 1920-04-07 pm  Lecture: Hygiene - a Social Problem 314  Dornach [*]
. 1920-04-08 pm  Spiritual Science and Medicine -- Lecture XIX 312  Dornach [*]
. 1920-04-09 am  Man: Hieroglyph: Lecture One 201  Dornach [*]
. 1920-04-09 pm  Spiritual Science and Medicine -- Lecture XX 312  Dornach [*]
. 1920-04-10 pm  Man: Hieroglyph: Lecture Two 201  Dornach [*]
. 1920-04-11 pm  Man: Hieroglyph: Lecture Three 201  Dornach [*]
. 1920-04-16 pm  Man: Hieroglyph: Lecture Four 201  Dornach [*]
. 1920-04-17 pm  Man: Hieroglyph: Lecture Five 201  Dornach [*]
. 1920-04-18 pm  Man: Hieroglyph: Lecture Six 201  Dornach [*]
. 1920-04-23 pm  Man: Hieroglyph: Lecture Seven 201  Dornach [*]
. 1920-04-24 pm  Man: Hieroglyph: Lecture Eight 201  Dornach [*]
. 1920-04-25 pm  Man: Hieroglyph: Lecture Nine 201  Dornach [*]
. 1920-05-01 pm  Man: Hieroglyph: Lecture Ten 201  Dornach [*]
. 1920-05-02 pm  Man: Hieroglyph: Lecture Eleven 201  Dornach [*]
. 1920-05-08 pm  Man: Hieroglyph: Lecture Twelve 201  Dornach [*]
. 1920-05-09 pm  Man: Hieroglyph: Lecture Thirteen 201  Dornach [*]
. 1920-05-14 pm  Man: Hieroglyph: Lecture Fourteen 201  Dornach [*]
. 1920-05-15 pm  Man: Hieroglyph: Lecture Fifteen 201  Dornach [*]
. 1920-05-16 pm  Man: Hieroglyph: Lecture Sixteen 201  Dornach [*]
. 1920-05-22 pm  Thomas Aquinas: Lecture I: Thomas and Augustine 74  Dornach [*]
. 1920-05-22 pm  Redemption of Thinking: Lecture I: 74  Dornach [*]
. 1920-05-23 pm  Thomas Aquinas: Lecture II: The Essence of Thomism 74  Dornach [*]
. 1920-05-23 pm  Redemption of Thinking: Lecture II: 74  Dornach [*]
. 1920-05-24 pm  Thomas Aquinas: Lecture III: Thomism in the Present Day 74  Dornach [*]
. 1920-05-24 pm  Redemption of Thinking: Lecture III: 74  Dornach [*]
. 1920-05-30 pm  Roman Catholicism: Lecture I 198  Dornach [*]
. 1920-06-03 pm  Roman Catholicism: Lecture II 198  Dornach [*]
. 1920-06-06 pm  Roman Catholicism: Lecture III 198  Dornach [*]
. 1920-06-09 pm  Threefold Order II: Lecture 2: On Propaganda of the Threefold Social Order 337  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-06-10 pm  Dear Children: Lecture II: Address at a Monthly Assembly 298  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-06-13 pm  Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 4: Western Secret Societies, Jesuitism, Leninism 197  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-06-24 pm  Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 5: How the Material Can Be Understood Only through the Spirit 197  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-07-02 pm  Oswald Spengler: Lecture I: On Spengler's "Decline of the West" Various Dornach [*]
. 1920-07-17 pm  Healing Factors for the Social Organism: Lecture I 198  Dornach [*]
. 1920-07-18 pm  Man and Nature: Intellect in Man and Nature Bereft of the Gods
From: Man and Nature
198  Dornach [*]
. 1920-07-18 pm  Healing Factors for the Social Organism: Lecture II 198  Dornach [*]
. 1920-07-24 pm  Dear Children: Lecture III: Address at the Assembly at the End of the First School Year 298  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-07-25 pm  Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 6: Materialism and Mysticism, Knowledge as a Deed of the Soul 197  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-07-30 pm  Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 7: Materialism, Mysticism, Anthroposophy, Liberalism, Conservatism 197  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-08-06 pm  Social Forms: Lecture I: The Waldorf School, Spiritual Science, Outer World, Inner World 199  Dornach [*]
. 1920-08-07 pm  Social Forms: Lecture II: Materialism, Party Line 199  Dornach [*]
. 1920-08-08 pm  Social Forms: Lecture III: Man's Twelve Senses in Relation to Imagination, Inspiration, Intuition 199  Dornach [*]
. 1920-08-14 pm  Social Forms: Lecture IV: World Events, Initiation Knowledge and the Impulse toward Freedom 199  Dornach [*]
. 1920-08-15 pm  Social Forms: Lecture V: Forming Sound Judgment 199  Dornach [*]
. 1920-08-20 pm  Social Forms: Lecture VI: New Social Forms, Soul, Material World 199  Dornach [*]
. 1920-08-21 pm  Social Forms: Lecture VII: Trends of Souls in People of the East, West, and Middle of Europe 199  Dornach [*]
. 1920-08-22 pm  Social Forms: Lecture VIII: East, Middle, West 199  Dornach [*]
. 1920-08-27 pm  Social Forms: Lecture IX: Hegel 199  Dornach [*]
. 1920-08-28 pm  Social Forms: Lecture X: The Tapestry of the Senses, Memory, and the Spiritual World, -or- Spiritual-Cosmic Tasks of Man 199  Dornach [*]
. 1920-08-29 pm  Social Forms: Lecture XI: Man as a Mediator of the Spiritual Beings of the Cosmos 199  Dornach [*]
. 1920-09-03 pm  Social Forms: Lecture XII: The Members of the Human Being and their Relationship with the Social Organism 199  Dornach [*]
. 1920-09-04 pm  Social Forms: Lecture XIII: The Interrelationship between the Human and the Social Organism 199  Dornach [*]
. 1920-09-05 pm  Social Forms: Lecture XIV: The Connection of the Members of Man with the Kingdoms of Nature, the Necessity of the Threefold Order 199  Dornach [*]
. 1920-09-10 pm  Social Forms: Lecture XV: The Great Cosmic Signs in the Universe 199  Dornach [*]
. 1920-09-11 pm  Social Forms: Lecture XVI: Changes in the Meaning of Speech, -or- Dreams and Human Development 199  Dornach [*]
. 1920-09-15 am  The Inner Attitude of the Teacher
From: Introductory Words by Rudolf Steiner to the First of Four Educational Lectures
302a Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-09-15 am  Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture I: The Pedagogy of the West and of Central Europe: The Inner Attitude of the Teacher Various /home [*]
. 1920-09-15 pm  Threefold Order II: Lecture 1: Influence of the human will upon the course of economic life 335  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-09-16 pm  The Three Fundamental Forces in Education: Lecture 302a Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-09-16 pm  Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture II: The Three Fundamental Forces in EducatioN Various /home [*]
. 1920-09-17 pm  Social Forms: Address: On the Occasion of the General Meeting of the Berlin Branch 199  Berlin [*]
. 1920-09-18 pm  Social Forms: Lecture XVII: Consciousness of Pre-Existence 199  Berlin [*]
. 1920-09-21 pm  Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture III: Spiritual Knowledge of Man as the Fount of Educational Art Various /home [*]
. 1920-09-21   Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 8: The Opposition of Knowledge and Faith, Its Overcoming 197  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-09-22 pm  Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture IV: The Art of Education Consists of Bringing Into Balance the Physical and Spiritual Nature of the Developing Human Being Various /home [*]
. 1920-09-27 pm  Boundaries of Natural Science: Lecture I 322  Dornach [*]
. 1920-09-28 pm  Boundaries of Natural Science: Lecture II 322  Dornach [*]
. 1920-09-29 am  Poetry/Speech: Lecture I: The Art of Recitation and Declamation 281  Dornach [*]
. 1920-09-29 pm  Boundaries of Natural Science: Lecture III 322  Dornach [*]
. 1920-09-30 pm  Boundaries of Natural Science: Lecture IV 322  Dornach [*]
. 1920-10-01 pm  Boundaries of Natural Science: Lecture V 322  Dornach [*]
. 1920-10-02 am  Boundaries of Natural Science: Lecture VI 322  Dornach [*]
. 1920-10-02 pm  Boundaries of Natural Science: Lecture VII 322  Dornach [*]
. 1920-10-02 pm  Golden Blade, 1962: Lecture 1: Natural Science and Its Boundaries 322  Dornach [*]
. 1920-10-03 pm  Boundaries of Natural Science: Lecture VIII 322  Dornach [*]
. 1920-10-03 pm  Golden Blade, 1962: Lecture 2: Paths to the Spirit in East and West 322  Dornach [*]
. 1920-10-06 pm  Poetry/Speech: Lecture II: The Art of Recitation and Declamation 281  Dornach [*]
. 1920-10-07 pm  Lecture: Lecture I: Physiology and Therapeutics 314  Dornach [*]
. 1920-10-08 pm  Lecture: Lecture II: Physiology and Therapeutics 314  Dornach [*]
. 1920-10-09 am  Lecture: Lecture III: Physiology and Therapeutics 314  Dornach [*]
. 1920-10-09 pm  Lecture: Lecture IV: Physiology and Therapeutics 314  Dornach [*]
. 1920-10-13 pm  Poetry/Speech: Lecture III: The Art of Recitation and Declamation 281  Dornach [*]
. 1920-10-17 pm  i Spirituality: Lecture 1: Historical Symptomology, the Year 790, Alcuin, Greeks, Platonism, Aristotelianism, East, West, Middle, Ego 200  Dornach [*]
. 1920-10-22 pm  New Spirituality: Lecture 2: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 1 200  Dornach [*]
. 1920-10-23 pm  New Spirituality: Lecture 3: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 2 200  Dornach [*]
. 1920-10-24 pm  New Spirituality: Lecture 4: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 3 200  Dornach [*]
. 1920-10-29 pm  New Spirituality: Lecture 5: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 4 200  Dornach [*]
. 1920-10-30 pm  New Spirituality: Lecture 6: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 5 200  Dornach [*]
. 1920-10-31 pm  Lecture: The Coming Experience of Christ 200  Dornach [*]
. 1920-10-31 pm  New Spirituality: Lecture 7: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 6 200  Dornach [*]
. 1920-11-08 pm  Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 9: East, West, and Middle 197  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-11-14 pm  Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 10: Transition from the Luciferic to the Ahrimanic Age and the Christ Event to Come 197  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-11-22 pm  Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 11: Modern Science and Christianity, Threefold Social Order, Goetheanism 197  Stuttgart [*]
. 1920-11-26 pm  Lecture: The Shaping of the Human Form out of Cosmic and Earthly Forces 202  Dornach [*]
. 1920-12-04 pm  Hegel, Schopenhauer, Thought, Will 202  Dornach [*]
. 1920-12-05 pm  Colour: Part Two: Thought and Will as Light and Darkness 291  Dornach [*]
. 1920-12-10 pm  Colour: Part Two: The Connection of the Natural with the Moral-Psychical. Living in Light and Weight. 291  Dornach [*]
. 1920-12-11 pm  Birth and Death as Revelations of Love and Freedom
From: The Bridge between Morality and Nature
202  Dornach [*]
. 1920-12-12 pm  Introductory words by Dr. Rudolf Steiner at a performance of Eurhythmy, given at Dornach, December 12th 1920
From: Eurhythmy
277  Dornach [*]
. 1920-12-12 pm  Spiritual Science, History, Reincarnation, Culture, Examples 202  Dornach [*]
. 1920-12-14 pm  Lecture: The Souls Progress through Repeated Earth Lives 202  Bern [*]
. 1920-12-17 pm  Lecture: Soul and Spirit in the Human Physical Constitution 202  Dornach [*]
. 1920-12-17 pm  Young Doctors Course: Bridge Lecture 1: Soul and Spiritual in the Human Physical Constitution
From: Course for Young Doctors
Various Dornach [*]
. 1920-12-18 pm  Lecture: The Moral as the Source of World-Creative Power 202  Dornach [*]
. 1920-12-18 pm  Young Doctors Course: Bridge Lecture 2: The Moral as the Source of World-Creative Power
From: Course for Young Doctors
Various Dornach [*]
. 1920-12-19 pm  Lecture: The Path to Freedom and Love and their Significance in World Events 202  Dornach [*]
. 1920-12-19 pm  Young Doctors Course: Bridge Lecture 3: The Path to Freedom and Love and their Significance in World Happenings
From: Course for Young Doctors
Various Dornach [*]
. 1920-12-23 pm  Search for the New Isis: Lecture I: A Christmas Lecture
From: The Search for the New Isis, Divine Sophia
202  Dornach [*]
. 1920-12-24 pm  Lecture: Search for the New Isis, the Divine Sophia: The Quest for the Isis-Sophia 202  Dornach [*]
. 1920-12-24 pm  Search for the New Isis: Lecture II: The Quest for Isis-Sophia
From: The Search for the New Isis, Divine Sophia
202  Dornach [*]
. 1920-12-25 pm  Search for the New Isis: Lecture III: The Magi and the Shepherds: The New Isis
From: The Search for the New Isis, Divine Sophia
202  Dornach [*]
. 1920-12-26 pm  Search for the New Isis: Lecture IV
From: The Search for the New Isis, Divine Sophia
202  Dornach [*]

Total On-site Lectures for 1920: 163

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by Rudolf Steiner
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by Ralph Twentyman
Image 9781855841345.jpgMarkerRosicrucian Wisdom Audio BookMarker
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