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On-line Lectures by Date


The Lectures by Date Section of the Rudolf Steiner Archive presents some of the lectures given by Rudolf Steiner in order by lecture date. They are specifically designated as lectures in the Catalogue of Holdings. Our selections of Steiner's Books and/or Articles/Essays can be referenced from here, or from the Main Steiner e.Lib Menu. The Table below lists the Lectures' date, the name of the lecture, and whether an abstract of the lecture is available. Under the lecture name is the book title, if applicable. Dates are in yyyy-mm-dd format.

Selected Lectures for 1916 ...

  Date Name of Lecture GA# Place  
. 1916-01-01 pm  On the Duty of Clear, Sound Thinking 165  Dornach [*]
. 1916-01-02 pm  Lecture: Perceiving and Remembering 165  Dornach [*]
. 1916-01-09 pm  Universal Human: Lecture Four: The Universal Human: The Unification of Humanity through the Christ Impulse
From: The Universal Human
165  Bern [*]
. 1916-01-11 pm  Mission of Spiritual Science and of Its Building at Dornach 35  Liestal [*]
. 1916-01-12 pm  Reincarnation and Immortality: Lecture III: The Supersensible Being of Man Unknown Basel [*]
. 1916-01-25 pm  Lecture I: The Past Shows Us a Picture of Necessity
From: Necessity and Freedom
166  Berlin [*]
. 1916-01-27 pm  Lecture II: The Legend of the Prague Clock
From: Necessity and Freedom
166  Berlin [*]
. 1916-01-30 pm  Lecture III: Three Teachers with Different Attitudes
From: Necessity and Freedom
166  Berlin [*]
. 1916-02-01 pm  Lecture IV: The Roman World and the Teutonic Tribes
From: Necessity and Freedom
166  Berlin [*]
. 1916-02-08 pm  Lecture V: The "I" is Found on the Physical Plane in Acts of Will
From: Necessity and Freedom
166  Berlin [*]
. 1916-02-13 pm  Things Past and Present: Lecture I 167  Dornach [*]
. 1916-02-16 pm  Lecture: Relationships Between the Living and the Dead 168  Hamburg [*]
. 1916-02-22 pm  Lecture: The Ego-consciousness of the So-called Dead 168  Leipzig [*]
. 1916-02-22 pm  Lecture: The Moment of Death and the Period Thereafter 168  Leipzig [*]
. 1916-03-07 pm  Things Past and Present: Lecture II: Deeper Secrets of Man's Soul-Spiritual Nature 167  Dornach [*]
. 1916-03-20 pm  Lecture: The Weaving and Living Activity of the Human Etheric Bodies 174a Munich [*]
. 1916-03-28 pm  Things Past and Present: Lecture III: A Fragment from the Jewish Haggada, Blavatsky 167  Dornach [*]
. 1916-04-04 pm  Things Past and Present: Lecture IV: Secrets of Freemasonry 167  Dornach [*]
. 1916-04-11 pm  Things Past and Present: Lecture V: Comenius and the Temple of PanSophia 167  Dornach [*]
. 1916-04-18 pm  Things Past and Present: Lecture VI: Death and Resurrection 167  Dornach [*]
. 1916-04-25 pm  Things Past and Present: Lecture VII: Man's Four Members 167  Dornach [*]
. 1916-05-02 pm  Things Past and Present: Lecture VIII: Thomas More and His Utopia 167  Dornach [*]
. 1916-05-09 pm  Things Past and Present: Lecture IX: Celtic Symbols and Cult, Jesuit State in Paraguay 167  Dornach [*]
. 1916-05-16 pm  Things Past and Present: Lecture X 167  Dornach [*]
. 1916-05-23 pm  Things Past and Present: Lecture XI: Fragments from the Jewish Haggada 167  Dornach [*]
. 1916-05-30 pm  Things Past and Present: Lecture XII: Luciferic Dangers from the East 167  Dornach [*]
. 1916-06-06 pm  Lecture IV: WHITSUN: A Symbol of the Immortality of the Ego 169  Berlin [*]
. 1916-06-06 pm  Toward Imagination: Lecture 1: The Immortality of the I
From: Toward Imagination
169  Berlin [*]
. 1916-06-13 pm  Toward Imagination: Lecture 2: Blood and Nerves
From: Toward Imagination
169  Berlin [*]
. 1916-06-20 pm  Toward Imagination: Lecture 3: The Twelve Human Senses
From: Toward Imagination
169  Berlin [*]
. 1916-06-27 pm  Toward Imagination: Lecture 4: The Human Organism Through the Incarnations
From: Toward Imagination
169  Berlin [*]
. 1916-07-04 pm  Toward Imagination: Lecture 5: Balance in Life
From: Toward Imagination
169  Berlin [*]
. 1916-07-11 pm  Toward Imagination: Lecture 6: The Feeling For Truth
From: Toward Imagination
169  Berlin [*]
. 1916-07-18 pm  Toward Imagination: Lecture 7: Toward Imagination
From: Toward Imagination
169  Berlin [*]
. 1916-07-29 pm  Lecture: Riddle of Humanity: Lecture One: Greetings to the Builders Working on the Goetheanum. Otto Weininger, a Decadent Genius. Distorted Pictures of Imaginative Knowledge. 170  Dornach [*]
. 1916-07-30 pm  Lecture: Riddle of Humanity: Lecture Two: Two Spheres of Existence in Nature and in Man: the Realm of Regularity and the Realm of Irregularity. The Ancient Hebrews' Jubilee year as the Expression of Formative Powers of the Soul. The Christ Incarnation. 170  Dornach [*]
. 1916-07-31 pm  Lecture: Riddle of Humanity: Lecture Three: The Duality of Human Nature -- The Heavenly and the Earthly Aspects of Man. Uranus and Gaia. Influences of One Incarnation on the Next: Metamorphoses of the Body. 170  Dornach [*]
. 1916-08-05 pm  Lecture: Riddle of Humanity: Lecture Four: Human Organism, Results of Prenatal Formative Powers. Dual Nature of Man. Powers behind the Existence of the Body as Expressed Pictorally by the Body and as Expressed in a Draughtsmanlike Fashion by the Head. 170  Dornach [*]
. 1916-08-06 pm  Lecture: Riddle of Humanity: Lecture Five: How a Person Grows into the Three Spiritual Realms of Wisdom, Beauty and Goodness. How These Shine Down into the Spiritual Part of Man. 170  Dornach [*]
. 1916-08-07 pm  Lecture: Riddle of Humanity: Lecture Six: The Transformation of the Physical Body into the Head of the Next Incarnation. The Cosmic Significance of Human Knowledge. 170  Dornach [*]
. 1916-08-07 pm  Lecture: Human Knowledge and Its Significance for Man and the Cosmos 170  Dornach [*]
. 1916-08-12 pm  Lecture: Riddle of Humanity: Lecture Seven: The Connection between the Human Being and the Cosmos. The Twelve Regions of the Senses and the Seven Life Processes. 170  Dornach [*]
. 1916-08-13 pm  Lecture: Riddle of Humanity: Lecture Eight: How Twelvefoldness, Sevenfoldness, Fourfoldness, and Threefoldness are Mirrored. Pathological Experiences of the Soul. Thinking Backward as a Preparation for Spiritual Experience. 170  Dornach [*]
. 1916-08-15 pm  Lecture: Riddle of Humanity: Lecture Nine: Enlivening the Sense Processes and Ensouling the Life Processes. Aesthetic Enjoyment and Aesthetic Creativity. Logic and the Sense for Reality. 170  Dornach [*]
. 1916-08-15 pm  Lecture: The Sense-Organs and Aesthetic Experience 170  Dornach [*]
. 1916-08-21 pm  Lecture: Riddle of Humanity: Lecture Ten: Loss of the Ability to Orient Oneself in Reality and the Helplessness of Modern Scientific Driteria in a Materialistic Age. 170  Dornach [*]
. 1916-08-26 pm  Lecture: Riddle of Humanity: Lecture Eleven: Memory and Habit as Metamorphoses of Former Spiritual Experiences that were Subject to Luciferic and Ahrimanic Influences. 170  Dornach [*]
. 1916-08-26 pm  Memory and Habit: Lecture I 170  Dornach [*]
. 1916-08-27 pm  Lecture: Riddle of Humanity: Lecture Twelve: How Thoughts are Engraved into the Substance of the Cosmos and the Consequences Following from This. Metamorphosis of Memory and Habit. 170  Dornach [*]
. 1916-08-27 pm  Memory and Habit: Lecture II 170  Dornach [*]
. 1916-08-28 pm  Lecture: Riddle of Humanity: Lecture Thirteen: Allocation of the Whole Human Form to the Cosmos. Technical Discoveries and the Human Physical Organization. Collisions between Thinking that Accords with Reality and Thinking that is in Opposition to Reality. 170  Dornach [*]
. 1916-08-28 pm  Memory and Habit: Lecture III 170  Dornach [*]
. 1916-09-02 pm  Lecture: Riddle of Humanity: Lecture Fourteen: Metamorphoses of the Twelve Sense Zones through Luciferic and Ahrimanic Influences. 170  Dornach [*]
. 1916-09-03 pm  Lecture: Riddle of Humanity: Lecture Fifteen: The Twelve Senses. The Reorganization of the Seven Life Processes by Luciferic and Ahrimanic Powers. Francis Bacon Inaugurates Materialism and the Science of Idols. 170  Dornach [*]
. 1916-09-16 pm  Inner Impulses: Lecture I 171  Dornach [*]
. 1916-09-17 pm  Inner Impulses: Lecture II 171  Dornach [*]
. 1916-09-18 pm  Inner Impulses: Lecture III 171  Dornach [*]
. 1916-09-20 pm  Considered as the Thoughts of Culture and World-Perception
From: Architectural Forms
288  Dornach [*]
. 1916-09-23 pm  Inner Impulses: Lecture IV 171  Dornach [*]
. 1916-09-24 pm  Inner Impulses: Lecture V 171  Dornach [*]
. 1916-09-25 pm  Inner Impulses: Lecture VI 171  Dornach [*]
. 1916-09-30 pm  Problem of Faust: Lecture I: The Problem of Faust 273  Dornach [*]
. 1916-10-01 pm  Inner Impulses: Lecture VII 171  Dornach [*]
. 1916-10-02 pm  Lecture: The Templars 171  Dornach [*]
. 1916-10-07 pm  Impulses of Utility: Lecture I: Western and Eastern Culture, H. P. Blavatsky 171  Dornach [*]
. 1916-10-08 pm  History of Art: Lecture I: Cimabue, Giotto, and Other Italian Masters 292  Dornach [*]
. 1916-10-09 pm  Reincarnation and Immortality: Lecture V: Mystery of the Human Being Unknown Zurich [*]
. 1916-10-10 pm  Social Understanding Liberty of Thought Knowledge of the Spirit
From: How Can the Destitution of Soul in Modern Times Be Overcome?
168  Zurich [*]
. 1916-10-15 pm  Impulses of Utility: Lecture II: Utilitarianism and Sacramentalism 171  Dornach [*]
. 1916-10-16 pm  - Anthroposophy -
From: Human Life in the Light of Spiritual Science
35  Liestal [*]
. 1916-10-24 pm  Lecture: The Problem of Destiny 168  Zurich [*]
. 1916-11-01 pm  History of Art: Lecture II: Leonardo, Michelangelo and Raphael 292  Dornach [*]
. 1916-11-04 pm  Karma of Vocation: Lecture I 172  Dornach [*]
. 1916-11-05 pm  Karma of Vocation: Lecture II 172  Dornach [*]
. 1916-11-05 pm  Karma of Vocation
From: The Karma of the Individual and the Collective Life of Our Time, Goethe
172  Dornach [*]
. 1916-11-06 pm  Karma of Vocation: Lecture III 172  Dornach [*]
. 1916-11-06 pm  The Cyclic Movement of Sleeping and Waking 172  Dornach [*]
. 1916-11-08 pm  History of Art: Lecture III: D�rer and Holbein 292  Dornach [*]
. 1916-11-09 pm  Lecture: On the Connection of the Living and the Dead 168  Berne [*]
. 1916-11-12 pm  Karma of Vocation: Lecture IV 172  Dornach [*]
. 1916-11-12 pm  Insertion of Early Human Destiny into Extraterrestial Relationships 172  Dornach [*]
. 1916-11-13 pm  Factors of Karma, Deficiencies in Psychoanalysis 172  Dornach [*]
. 1916-11-13 pm  Karma of Vocation: Lecture V 172  Dornach [*]
. 1916-11-15 pm  History of Art: Lecture IV: Mid-European and Southern Art 292  Dornach [*]
. 1916-11-18 pm  Matter Incidental to the Question of Destiny 172  Dornach [*]
. 1916-11-18 pm  Karma of Vocation: Lecture VI 172  Dornach [*]
. 1916-11-19 pm  Western Brotherhoods
From: Hereditary Impulses and Impulses from Previous Earth Lives
172  Dornach [*]
. 1916-11-19 pm  Karma of Vocation: Lecture VII 172  Dornach [*]
. 1916-11-25 pm  Karma of Vocation: Lecture VIII 172  Dornach [*]
. 1916-11-26 pm  The Relation of Man to the Hierarchies 172  Dornach [*]
. 1916-11-26 pm  Karma of Vocation: Lecture IX 172  Dornach [*]
. 1916-11-27 pm  Karma of Vocation: Lecture X 172  Dornach [*]
. 1916-11-28 pm  History of Art: Lecture V: Rembrandt 292  Dornach [*]
. 1916-12-03 pm  Lecture: The Influence of the Dead on the Life of Man on Earth 168  Zurich [*]
. 1916-12-04 pm  Karma of Untruthfulness I: Lecture One 173  Dornach [*]
. 1916-12-09 pm  Karma of Untruthfulness I: Lecture Two 173  Dornach [*]
. 1916-12-10 am  Problem of Faust: Lecture II: The Romantic Walpurgis-Night 273  Dornach [*]
. 1916-12-10 pm  Karma of Untruthfulness I: Lecture Three 173  Dornach [*]
. 1916-12-11 pm  Karma of Untruthfulness I: Lecture Four 173  Dornach [*]
. 1916-12-13 pm  History of Art: Lecture VI: Dutch and Flemish Painting 292  Dornach [*]
. 1916-12-16 pm  Karma of Untruthfulness I: Lecture Five 173  Dornach [*]
. 1916-12-17 pm  Karma of Untruthfulness I: Lecture Six 173  Dornach [*]
. 1916-12-18 pm  Karma of Untruthfulness I: Lecture Seven 173  Dornach [*]
. 1916-12-21 pm  Lecture: Christmas at a Time of Grievous Destiny 173  Basle [*]
. 1916-12-21 pm  Karma of Untruthfulness I: Lecture Eight 173  Basel [*]
. 1916-12-24 pm  Karma of Untruthfulness I: Lecture Nine 173  Dornach [*]
. 1916-12-25 pm  Karma of Untruthfulness I: Lecture Ten 173  Dornach [*]
. 1916-12-26 pm  Karma of Untruthfulness I: Lecture Eleven 173  Dornach [*]
. 1916-12-30 pm  Karma of Untruthfulness I: Lecture Twelve 173  Dornach [*]
. 1916-12-31 pm  Karma of Untruthfulness I: Lecture Thirteen 173  Dornach [*]

Total On-site Lectures for 1916: 110

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