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On-line Lectures by Date


The Lectures by Date Section of the Rudolf Steiner Archive presents some of the lectures given by Rudolf Steiner in order by lecture date. They are specifically designated as lectures in the Catalogue of Holdings. Our selections of Steiner's Books and/or Articles/Essays can be referenced from here, or from the Main Steiner e.Lib Menu. The Table below lists the Lectures' date, the name of the lecture, and whether an abstract of the lecture is available. Under the lecture name is the book title, if applicable. Dates are in yyyy-mm-dd format.

Selected Lectures for 1909 ...

  Date Name of Lecture GA# Place  
. 1909-00-00   Esoteric Lesson: No date or place given (1909) 266  [*]
. 1909-01-01 pm  Deed of Christ: Lecture 1: Mephistopheles and Earthquakes 107  Berlin [*]
. 1909-01-07   Esoteric Lesson: Muenchen, 1-7-1909 266  Munich [*]
. 1909-01-08 pm  Lecture: Problems of Nutrition 68  Munich [*]
. 1909-01-12 pm  Being of Man/Future Evolution: Lecture 5: Rhythms in the Being of Man 107  Berlin [*]
. 1909-01-14 pm  Where/How/Spirit: Lecture VIII: Issues of Health in the Light of Spiritual Science
From: Where and How Does One Find the Spirit?
57  Berlin [*]
. 1909-01-17 pm  Way of Knowledge
From: The Way of Knowledge
108  Pforzheim [*]
. 1909-01-18 pm  Lecture: Practical Training In Thought 108  Karlsruhe [*]
. 1909-01-18 pm  Lecture: Practical Training In Thought 108  Carlsruhe [*]
. 1909-01-19 pm  Lecture: The Mystery of the Human Temperaments Unknown Karlsruhe [*]
. 1909-01-21 pm  Principle/Economy: Lecture I: The Principle of Spiritual Economy in Connection with Questions of Reincarnation: An Aspect of the Spiritual Guidance of Mankind 109  Heidelberg [*]
. 1909-01-26 pm  Being of Man/Future Evolution: Lecture 6: Illness and Karma 107  Berlin [*]
. 1909-01-28 pm  Where/How/Spirit: Lecture IX: Tolstoy and Carnegie
From: Where and How Does One Find the Spirit?
57  Berlin [*]
. 1909-02-11 pm  Where/How/Spirit: Lecture X: The Practical Development of Thinking
From: Where and How Does One Find the Spirit?
57  Berlin [*]
. 1909-02-15 pm  Avatar Beings
From: Christianity in Human Evolution
109  Berlin [*]
. 1909-02-15 pm  Principle/Economy: Lecture II: Christianity in Human Evolution: Leading Individualities and Avatar Beings 109  Berlin [*]
. 1909-02-15 pm  Leading Individualities and Avatar-Beings
From: Christianity in the Evolution of Mankind
109  Berlin [*]
. 1909-02-18 pm  Where/How/Spirit: Lecture XI: The Invisible Human Members and Practical Life
From: Where and How Does One Find the Spirit?
57  Berlin [*]
. 1909-02-26   Esoteric Lesson: Kassel, 2-26-1909 266  Kassel [*]
. 1909-03-03   Esoteric Lesson: Berlin, 3-3-1909 266  Berlin [*]
. 1909-03-04 pm  The Four Temperaments 57  Berlin [*]
. 1909-03-04 pm  Where/How/Spirit: Lecture XII: The Secret of the Human Temperaments
From: Where and How Does One Find the Spirit?
57  Berlin [*]
. 1909-03-07 pm  Principle/Economy: Lecture III: More Intimate Aspects of Reincarnation 109  Munich [*]
. 1909-03-08   Esoteric Lesson: Muenchen, 3-8-1909 266  Munich [*]
. 1909-03-11 pm  Goethe's Secret Revelation: Lecture III 57  Berlin [*]
. 1909-03-11 pm  Where/How/Spirit: Lecture XIII: The Riddles in Goethe's Faust - Exoteric
From: Where and How Does One Find the Spirit?
57  Berlin [*]
. 1909-03-12 pm  Goethe's Secret Revelation: Lecture IV 57  Berlin [*]
. 1909-03-12 pm  Where/How/Spirit: Lecture XIV: Riddles in Goethe's Faust - Esoteric
From: Where and How Does One Find the Spirit?
57  Berlin [*]
. 1909-03-14   Esoteric Lesson: Hamburg, 3-14-1909 266  Hamburg [*]
. 1909-03-14 pm  Metamorphoses/Soul One: Lecture 5: Human Character 58  Munich [*]
. 1909-03-20 pm  Where/How/Spirit: Lecture XV: Nietzsche in the Light of Spiritual Science
From: Where and How Does One Find the Spirit?
57  Berlin [*]
. 1909-03-21   Esoteric Lesson: Berlin, 3-21-1909 266  Berlin [*]
. 1909-03-22 pm  Deed of Christ: Lecture 2: The Deed of Christ and the Opposing Spiritual Powers. Lucifer, Ahriman, Asuras. 107  Berlin [*]
. 1909-03-29 pm  Principle/Economy: Lecture IV: Results of Spiritual Scientific Investigations of the Evolution of Humanity: I 109  Rome [*]
. 1909-03-31 pm  Principle/Economy: Lecture V: Results of Spiritual Scientific Investigations of the Evolution of Humanity: II 109  Rome [*]
. 1909-04-06 pm  Principle/Economy: Lecture VI: On the Occasion of the Dedication of the Francis of Assisi Branch 109  Malsch [*]
. 1909-04-10 pm  Festivals/Easter: Lecture VII: Spiritual Bells of Easter, I 109  Cologne [*]
. 1909-04-10 pm  Principle/Economy: Lecture VII: The Macrocosmic and the Microcosmic Fire: The Spiritualization of Breath and Blood 109  Cologne [*]
. 1909-04-11 pm  Festivals/Easter: Lecture VIII: Spiritual Bells of Easter, II 109  Cologne [*]
. 1909-04-11 pm  Principle/Economy: Lecture VIII: The Event of Golgotha. The Brotherhood of the Holy Grail. The Spiritualized Fire. 109  Cologne [*]
. 1909-04-12 am  Spiritual Hierarchies: Lecture 1 110  Dusseldorf [*]
. 1909-04-12 pm  Spiritual Hierarchies: Lecture 2 110  Dusseldorf [*]
. 1909-04-13 am  Spiritual Hierarchies: Lecture 3 110  Dusseldorf [*]
. 1909-04-13 pm  Spiritual Hierarchies: Lecture 4 110  Dusseldorf [*]
. 1909-04-14 pm  Spiritual Hierarchies: Lecture 5 110  Dusseldorf [*]
. 1909-04-15 pm  Spiritual Hierarchies: Lecture 6 110  Dusseldorf [*]
. 1909-04-16 pm  Spiritual Hierarchies: Lecture 7 110  Dusseldorf [*]
. 1909-04-17 pm  Spiritual Hierarchies: Lecture 8 110  Dusseldorf [*]
. 1909-04-18 am  Spiritual Hierarchies: Lecture 9 110  Dusseldorf [*]
. 1909-04-18 pm  Spiritual Hierarchies: Lecture 10 110  Dusseldorf [*]
. 1909-04-27 pm  Being of Man/Future Evolution: Lecture 7: Laughing and Weeping 107  Berlin [*]
. 1909-04-29 pm  Isis and Madonna 57  Berlin [*]
. 1909-04-29 pm  Where/How/Spirit: Lecture XVI: Isis and Madonna
From: Where and How Does One Find the Spirit?
57  Berlin [*]
. 1909-05-01 pm  Where/How/Spirit: Lecture XVII: Old European Clairvoyance
From: Where and How Does One Find the Spirit?
57  Berlin [*]
. 1909-05-03 pm  Being of Man/Future Evolution: Lecture 8: The Manifestation of the Ego in the Different Races of Men 107  Berlin [*]
. 1909-05-05   Esoteric Lesson: Berlin, 5-5-1909 266  Berlin [*]
. 1909-05-05 pm  "The School of Athens" and the "Disputa"
From: Two Pictures by Raphael
284  Berlin [*]
. 1909-05-06 pm  The History of Christian Rosenkreutz
From: The European Mysteries and Their Initiates
57  Berlin [*]
. 1909-05-06 pm  Where/How/Spirit: Lecture XVIII: The European Mysteries and Their Initiates
From: Where and How Does One Find the Spirit?
57  Berlin [*]
. 1909-05-09 pm  Lecture: Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse: Part 2: Lecture One 104a Christiania [*]
. 1909-05-10 pm  Lecture: Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse: Part 2: Lecture Two 104a Christiania [*]
. 1909-05-11 pm  Lecture: Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse: Part 2: Lecture Three 104a Christiania [*]
. 1909-05-13 pm  Lecture: Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse: Part 2: Lecture Four 104a Christiania [*]
. 1909-05-14 pm  Lecture: Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse: Part 2: Lecture Five 104a Christiania [*]
. 1909-05-15 pm  Lecture: Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse: Part 2: Lecture Six 104a Christiania [*]
. 1909-05-16 pm  Lecture: Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse: Part 2: Lecture Seven 104a Christiania [*]
. 1909-05-16 pm  Principle/Economy: Lecture IX: Ancient Revelation and Learning How to Ask Modern Questions 109  Kristiania [*]
. 1909-05-17 pm  Lecture: Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse: Part 2: Lecture Eight 104a Christiania [*]
. 1909-05-18 pm  Lecture: Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse: Part 2: Lecture Nine 104a Christiania [*]
. 1909-05-19 pm  Lecture: Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse: Part 2: Lecture Ten 104a Christiania [*]
. 1909-05-20 pm  Lecture: Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse: Part 2: Lecture Eleven 104a Christiania [*]
. 1909-05-21 pm  Lecture: Reading the Pictures of the Apocalypse: Part 2: Lecture Twelve 104a Christiania [*]
. 1909-05-25 pm  Principle/Economy: Lecture X: The God of the Alpha and the God of the Omega 109  Berlin [*]
. 1909-05-27   Esoteric Lesson: Berlin, 5-27-1909 266  Berlin [*]
. 1909-05-31 pm  Principle/Economy: Lecture XI: From Buddha to Christ 109  Budapest [*]
. 1909-06-03 pm  Lecture: Rosicrucian Esotericism: Lecture I: Rosicrucian Esotericism 109  Budapest [*]
. 1909-06-04 pm  Lecture: Rosicrucian Esotericism: Lecture II: Soul in the World around Us 109  Budapest [*]
. 1909-06-05 pm  Lecture: Rosicrucian Esotericism: Lecture III: The Nature and Being of Man 109  Budapest [*]
. 1909-06-06 pm  Lecture: Rosicrucian Esotericism: Lecture IV: Man Between Death and Rebirth 109  Budapest [*]
. 1909-06-07 pm  Lecture: Rosicrucian Esotericism: Lecture V: The Physical World as an Expression of Spiritual Forces and Beings 109  Budapest [*]
. 1909-06-08 pm  Lecture: Rosicrucian Esotericism: Lecture VI: The Configuration and Metamorphoses of Man's Physical Body 109  Budapest [*]
. 1909-06-09 pm  Lecture: Rosicrucian Esotericism: Lecture VII: Evolutionary Stages of our Earth before the Lemurian Epoch 109  Budapest [*]
. 1909-06-10 pm  Lecture: Rosicrucian Esotericism: Lecture VIII: Stages in the Evolution of our Earth. Lemurian, Atlantean, Post-Atlantean Epochs. 109  Budapest [*]
. 1909-06-11 pm  Lecture: Rosicrucian Esotericism: Lecture IX: Man's Experience after Death 109  Budapest [*]
. 1909-06-12 pm  Lecture: Rosicrucian Esotericism: Lecture X: On Karma, Reincarnation and Initiation 109  Budapest [*]
. 1909-06-15 pm  Lecture: The Dedication of an Anthroposophical Group 109  Breslau [*]
. 1909-06-17 pm  Being of Man/Future Evolution: Lecture 9: Evolution, Involution and Creation out of Nothingness 107  Berlin [*]
. 1909-06-24 pm  The Christians of St. John. The rebirth of the higher Ego in man and in humanity.
From: The Gospel of St. John
112  Cassel [*]
. 1909-06-24 pm  Gospel of John: Lecture I: The Johannine Christians. 112  Kassel [*]
. 1909-06-25 pm  The living spiritual history. The leaders of humanity. The creative Word.
From: The Gospel of St. John
112  Cassel [*]
. 1909-06-25 pm  Gospel of John: Lecture II: Living Spiritual History. 112  Kassel [*]
. 1909-06-26 pm  The metamorphoses of the Earth. The prototypes of created types. The servants of the Word.
From: The Gospel of St. John
112  Cassel [*]
. 1909-06-26 pm  Gospel of John: Lecture III: The Metamorphoses of the Earth. 112  Kassel [*]
. 1909-06-27   Esoteric Lesson: Kassel, 6-27-1909 266  Kassel [*]
. 1909-06-27 pm  The hierarchies of our solar system and the kingdoms of the earth.
From: The Gospel of St. John
112  Cassel [*]
. 1909-06-27 pm  Gospel of John: Lecture IV: The Hierarchical Beings of our Solar System and the Kingdoms of the Earth. 112  Kassel [*]
. 1909-06-28 pm  Human development during the incarnations of our Earth. The kingdom of the Luciferic and Ahrimanic spirits and the kingdom of the divine spiritual beings.
From: The Gospel of St. John
112  Cassel [*]
. 1909-06-28 pm  Gospel of John: Lecture V: Human Evolution within the Embodiments of our Earth. 112  Kassel [*]
. 1909-06-29 pm  The Atlantean oracles. The post Atlantean Sanctuaries of initiation. The Baptism by John.
From: The Gospel of St. John
112  Cassel [*]
. 1909-06-29 pm  Gospel of John: Lecture VI: The Atlantean Oracles. 112  Kassel [*]
. 1909-06-30 pm  The Baptism with Water and the Baptism with Fire and Spirit.
From: The Gospel of St. John
112  Cassel [*]
. 1909-06-30 pm  Gospel of John: Lecture VII: The Baptism with Water and the Baptism with Fire and Spirit. 112  Kassel [*]
. 1909-07-01 pm  The Mysteries of initiation. The rebirth through Christ Jesus.
From: The Gospel of St. John
112  Cassel [*]
. 1909-07-01 pm  Gospel of John: Lecture VIII: The Initiation Mysteries. 112  Kassel [*]
. 1909-07-02 pm  The artistic composition of the Gospel of St. John. The climax of power in the signs and miracles.
From: The Gospel of St. John
112  Cassel [*]
. 1909-07-02 pm  Gospel of John: Lecture IX: The Artistic Composition of the Gospel of St. John. 112  Kassel [*]
. 1909-07-03 pm  What occurred at the Baptism by John? Christ's mastery over the laws of the bony system and the conquest of death.
From: The Gospel of St. John
112  Cassel [*]
. 1909-07-03 pm  Gospel of John: Lecture X: What Occurred at the Baptism? 112  Kassel [*]
. 1909-07-04 pm  The establishment of harmony in the inner forces of man through the Christ-impulse. The connection between the ancient Mysteries and the Gospels.
From: The Gospel of St. John
112  Cassel [*]
. 1909-07-04 pm  Gospel of John: Lecture XI: The Harmonization of the Inner Forces of Man through the Christ-Impulse. 112  Kassel [*]
. 1909-07-05 pm  The decline of the ancient wisdom and its renewal through the Christ-impulse. The significance of the Mystery of Golgotha for human evolution upon earth.
From: The Gospel of St. John
112  Cassel [*]
. 1909-07-05 pm  Gospel of John: Lecture XII: The Decline of Primeval Wisdom and its Rejuvenation through the Christ-Impulse. 112  Kassel [*]
. 1909-07-06 pm  The cosmic significance of the Mystery of Golgotha. The conquest of death through the expulsion of the Luciferic and Ahrimanic influence. Death as the bringer of life. The Earth becomes a new Sun. The power of Christ radiates into the human etheric body. The effects of the Christ-light and its reflection in the earth's periphery as a spiritual sphere. The Holy Ghost.
From: The Gospel of St. John
112  Cassel [*]
. 1909-07-06 pm  Gospel of John: Lecture XIII: The Cosmic Significance of the Mystery of Golgotha. 112  Kassel [*]
. 1909-07-07 pm  The Earth as the body of Christ and as a new centre of light. The Last Supper as the preparation for the mystical union with Christ. Paul, the apostle of the spiritually living Christ. The seven stages of Christian initiation. Death, the seed of eternal Ego-hood. Spirit-knowledge is the fire of life.
From: The Gospel of St. John
112  Cassel [*]
. 1909-07-07 pm  Gospel of John: Lecture XIV: The Earth as Christ's Body and as a New Light Center. 112  Kassel [*]
. 1909-08-23 pm  The East in the Light of the West: Lecture I 113  Munich [*]
. 1909-08-24 pm  The East in the Light of the West: Lecture II 113  Munich [*]
. 1909-08-25 pm  The East in the Light of the West: Lecture III 113  Munich [*]
. 1909-08-26 pm  The East in the Light of the West: Lecture IV 113  Munich [*]
. 1909-08-27   Esoteric Lesson: Muenchen, 8-27-1909 266  Munich [*]
. 1909-08-27 pm  The East in the Light of the West: Lecture V 113  Munich [*]
. 1909-08-28 pm  The East in the Light of the West: Lecture VI 113  Munich [*]
. 1909-08-29 pm  The East in the Light of the West: Lecture VII 113  Munich [*]
. 1909-08-30   Esoteric Lesson: Muenchen, 8-30-1909 266  Munich [*]
. 1909-08-30 pm  The East in the Light of the West: Lecture VIII 113  Munich [*]
. 1909-08-31 pm  The East in the Light of the West: Lecture IX 113  Munich [*]
. 1909-09-15 pm  Gospel of Luke: Lecture One 114  Basel [*]
. 1909-09-16 pm  Gospel of Luke: Lecture Two 114  Basel [*]
. 1909-09-17 pm  Gospel of Luke: Lecture Three 114  Basel [*]
. 1909-09-18 pm  Gospel of Luke: Lecture Four 114  Basel [*]
. 1909-09-19 pm  Gospel of Luke: Lecture Five 114  Basel [*]
. 1909-09-20 pm  Gospel of Luke: Lecture Six 114  Basel [*]
. 1909-09-21 pm  Gospel of Luke: Lecture Seven 114  Basel [*]
. 1909-09-24 pm  Gospel of Luke: Lecture Eight 114  Basel [*]
. 1909-09-25 pm  Gospel of Luke: Lecture Nine 114  Basel [*]
. 1909-09-26 pm  Gospel of Luke: Lecture Ten 114  Basel [*]
. 1909-10-11 pm  Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture I: Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus 117  Berlin [*]
. 1909-10-14 pm  Metamorphoses/Soul One: Lecture 1: The Mission of Spiritual Science 58  Berlin [*]
. 1909-10-18 pm  Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture II: The Gospels, Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus 117  Berlin [*]
. 1909-10-22 pm  Metamorphoses/Soul One: Lecture 3: The Mission of Truth 58  Berlin [*]
. 1909-10-23 pm  Wisdom of Man: I. The Position of Anthroposophy in Relation to Theosophy and Anthropology. 115  Berlin [*]
. 1909-10-25 am  Wisdom of Man: II. Supersensible Processes in the Activities of the Human Senses. 115  Berlin [*]
. 1909-10-25 pm  Christ Impulse: Lecture 1: The Sphere of the Bodhisattvas 116  Berlin [*]
. 1909-10-26   Esoteric Lesson: Berlin, 10-26-1909 266  Berlin [*]
. 1909-10-26 pm  Wisdom of Man: III. Higher Senses, Inner Force Currents and Creative Laws in the Human Organism. 115  Berlin [*]
. 1909-10-27 pm  Wisdom of Man: IV. Supersensible Currents in the Human and Animal Organizations. 115  Berlin [*]
. 1909-10-28 am  Metamorphoses/Soul One: Lecture 4: The Mission of Reverence 58  Berlin [*]
. 1909-10-28 pm  The Being of the Arts
From: The Nature and Origin of the Arts
271  Berlin [*]
. 1909-11-02 pm  Deeper Secrets: Lecture I
From: Deeper Secrets of Human History in the Light of the Gospel of St. Matthew
117  Berlin [*]
. 1909-11-09 pm  Deeper Secrets: Lecture II
From: Deeper Secrets of Human History in the Light of the Gospel of St. Matthew
117  Berlin [*]
. 1909-11-11 pm  Metamorphoses/Soul One: Lecture 6: Asceticism and Illness 58  Berlin [*]
. 1909-11-13 pm  Lecture: The Tasks and Aims of Spiritual Science 117  Stuttgart [*]
. 1909-11-23 pm  Deeper Secrets: Lecture III
From: Deeper Secrets of Human History in the Light of the Gospel of St. Matthew
117  Berlin [*]
. 1909-11-25 pm  Metamorphoses/Soul One: Lecture 7: Human Egoism 58  Berlin [*]
. 1909-12-02 pm  Lecture: Buddha and Christ 58  Berlin [*]
. 1909-12-02 pm  Metamorphoses/Soul One: Lecture 8: Buddha and Christ 58  Berlin [*]
. 1909-12-04 pm  The Ego: Lecture 1 117  Munich [*]
. 1909-12-04 pm  Universal Human: Lecture One: Individuality and the Group-Soul
From: The Universal Human
117  Munich [*]
. 1909-12-05 pm  Metamorphoses/Soul One: Lecture 2: The Mission of Anger 58  Munich [*]
. 1909-12-07   Esoteric Lesson: Muenchen, 12-7-1909 266  Munich [*]
. 1909-12-07 pm  The Ego: Lecture 2 117  Munich [*]
. 1909-12-07 pm  Universal Human: Lecture Two: The God Within and the God of Outer Revelation
From: The Universal Human
117  Munich [*]
. 1909-12-09 pm  Metamorphoses/Soul One: Lecture 9: Something about the Moon in the Light of Spiritual Science 58  Berlin [*]
. 1909-12-22 pm  Christ Impulse: Lecture 2: The Law of Karma with Respect to the Details of Life 116  Berlin [*]

Total On-site Lectures for 1909: 165

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