Calendar of the Soul
(Southern Hemisphere)

Thirty-third Verse

Seventh Week

  I feel at last the world's reality
  Which, lacking the communion of my soul,
  Would in itself be frosty, empty life,
  And showing itself powerless
  To recreate itself in souls,
  Would in itself find only death.

English translation by Ruth and Hans Pusch

  So fühle ich erst die Welt,
  Die ausser meiner Seele Miterleben
  An sich nur frostig leeres Leben
  Und ohne Macht sich offenbarend,
  In Seelen sich von neuem schaffend,
  In sich den Tod nur finden könnte.

The Year Participated translation
by Owen Barfield

  My self is prone to fly away
  beckoned and lured by light that fills the worlds.
  Come, Intimations, enter, claim your right,
  supplant as surrogate the sovereign might
  of Thinking, now inclined to lose itself
  in brilliant sense-appearances.

(provided with the kind permission of the Rudolf Steiner Press)