Calendar of the Soul
(Southern Hemisphere)

Thirty-second Verse

Sixth Week

  I feel my own force, bearing fruit
  And gaining strength to give me to the world.
  My inmost being I feel charged with power
  To turn with clearer insight
  Toward the weaving of life's destiny.

English translation by Ruth and Hans Pusch

  Ich fühle fruchtend eigne Kraft
  Sich stärkend mich der Welt verleihn;
  Mein Eigenwesen fühl ich kraftend
  Zur Klarheit sich zu wenden
  Im Lebensschicksalsweben.

The Year Participated translation
by Owen Barfield

  Risen from separate me
  I feel my self-expression fit,
  as cosmic revelation,
  with sturdy goings on in time and space;
  the world before me overall
  as my divine Original
  confirms as true this Copy made from it.

(provided with the kind permission of the Rudolf Steiner Press)